Saturday, August 03, 2013

Eagles player Riley Cooper Caught Saying N-Word (Remind You of Something?)

Well, folks, this is Great. Another day, and another white person using the N-word.

This is what happened on Wednesday when Philadelphia Eagles player Riley Cooper (Who?) was caught on cellphone video at a concert from country superstar Kenny Chesney saying the N-word while being intoxicated. Here's some video, from

He then got into a fight with someone else in the parking lot at the same venue. This vid is also form CrossingBroad:

He later apologized, made a few tweets saying he'll accept charges
and held a short press conference about it to drive the point home.
He was later fined by Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie.

Hey. Wait. Hmmm...Doesn't this remind you of something? If you do, then you may have watched the news in the last month of two, are may have read a post I did last June.
Here's a hint:
Now here's the funny thing: a woman admitted to saying it years ago, apologized for it and even begged for forgiveness on live television, and yet she gets treated like crap by the media and her sponsors, while her empire is crumbling to the ground. Meanwhile a white man uses it, believing he wouldn't get caught for it, but did on cellphone video, and he gets away with it by only getting his ass kicked off practice and events?? He should be suspended off the team and/or taking a pay cut for this. This is a huge double standard. I'm not saying this because I'm black, but because it isn't all. You people should be ashamed of yourselves for letting an unknown football player get less scrutiny than Paula Deen for using this word. He said it and should be in trouble for it. This behavior is unacceptable. Even for football players. When you are successful, you should live like, act like, and be an adult. Although it's 2013, you should act like it's 1943. Well, without the N-word thing. And Paula Deen shouldn't have deserved that much scrutiny to begin with. It's just a word, people.

Now let me tell you a story about myself: When I was a kid, I hated the N-word. With a passion. I hated hearing other black kids (even my brothers) saying the word because it's supposed to make them scared and inferior like their ancestors. Sometimes I even wished the word would go away. Because I was told by mom and dad that the word is bad, and shouldn't be said. But as time gone by and I got older, I got more used to hearing it more and, I admit, I myself used it a few times. That's because people use it in a different context to explain them as their close friend or relative. I couldn't understand this. I didn't also understand why whites could use it, but quickly learned why; it's because they're white. People say this word, and they get away with it. There shouldn't be a problem with that. And we should keep it that way.

So that's why I'm writing this. The words nigger, nigga, or even Negro, will not go away. People will keep using it and won't care if others (even blacks themselves) will try to remove from the English lexicon. It will still be there, whether people like it or not. So let's not start a rally or fundraiser to get rid of the N-word. If a White person said, just shrug your arms and do your business. It's not like anything would go wrong if a Black person gets caught calling a White person a "cracker". Right?


Oh and by the way Eagles, you guys shouldn't worry about what's off the field, but what's on the field. Like the fact that the ball is in the other team's hands.

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