This is some shit that's absolutely unacceptable.
I'm not gonna waste time typing the details, so this article from the New York Daily News will take care of that.
This shit is disgusting. I've never heard of a kid off his/her own parents just because they don't get what they want, unless they're rich. This kid has wonderful parents with the love, respect and care they give to him that any other kid would only dream of. And this kid doesn't see that. He sees them as a ticket to all the food, clothes and things kids want but don't need. And he's so damn lazy; he doesn't do his chores, and gets angry for the things his parents are supposed to tell him and do.
My parents put me on punishment, too. That's what parents do. they teach you right from wrong, give you common sense, and they love and care for you regardless of what you do; plus they punish you for doing bad things. Yes, I get angry, but it doesn't cause me to kill them.
A fucking iPod is not worth killing your parents.
You are worthless, useless, disgusting, lazy, good-for-nothing twat, and you deserve the hell you will receive for your crimes. You deserve life in jail with no parole. You deserve to be beaten up and raped by other inmates because they don't like inmates who kill their own parents. What I hate about this kid is that in the deposition with investigators is that he got pissed because if he doesn't do his chores, he would get routine punishments “like my dad taking away my iPod and stuff” And it's the way he said that just pisses me off! From reading that, it makes me think that he's just lazy-ass idiot who doesn't care about things around him; he just wants an iPod and some chicken wings and he's fine. Fuck you, you horrible excuse of a human being.
I love my country, but this is another reason why I'm--well, disappointed, to say the least, to live in it.
My condolences and prayers to the rest of the Parker family. No mother and father wants to lose their child, and no loving child wants to lose their loving parents.
I love my parents, and I'm so grateful for them and to have them in my life.
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