Here's Alexis' look.
And here's Rihanna's.
Pics of the girl and the outfit went to social media and went viral a few days later. And apparently, everyone didn't like it. In fact, they hated it, and began to mock her relentlessly since. Here's video about the story from the Fox affiliate in Baltimore.
“I was very offended. Why throw shade on it when you had on the exact same thing? The poses was different but the outfit wasn’t.”
What the Hell, Rihanna?
This little girl loved your style so much, she decide to imitate it. And yet, you refer it to the logo of the Wu-Tang Clan.
But if you
think it's right to mock a fan for dressing like you, you have another thing coming. If you were jealous of her outfit for looking better than yours, then you are the most stuck-up, jackass bitch on Earth. Alexis was inspired by your fashion sense, and wanted to dress like you. What's wrong with that? And for the record, this isn't even one of the most revealing and/or controversial outfit you wore in your career. So why make fun of someone else for wearing the same thing?
Also, shame on the people who created and trended the "PromBat" hashtag. You guys might as well be hypocrites. Sure, you think it's cool to slam some girl for wearing an outfit you think is trashy, but you probably wore something just as trashy (if not downright slutty) at your prom, making you just like Rihanna. Yes, people have worn bad fashion before, but making fun of someone for dressing like a celebrity on the subtext that that celebrity is shaming him/her for wanting to imitate that celeb's fashion--for no reason at all, mind you, makes you all and that celeb are horrible people.
In fact, people have been heavily criticizing the girl for "bitching and moaning about how big bad Rihanna tore her down for wearing the same thing. She's just a fame whore. She should go home and look prettier." for days on end. Uhhh...
did you jackholes not notice the tweet with the black, bold frowny face that she released JUST SEVEN DAYS AGO??
— Rihanna (@rihanna) May 9, 2014
She did the same thing you did. She also criticized the poor girl for wearing the same thing she wore. And you all ate dick along with her, by following in her footsteps in doing the same thing. If you call her ugly for that, you might as well call Rihanna ugly, too. If only you understood logic.
Also some shit-talker also threw shade with this tweet.
"The Dark Thot Rises" is not my joke btw! I don't steal. #PromBat.
— bri. (@bigshitxtalker) May 9, 2014
Don't lie, girl. And yep. Shit-talker is in her nameAnd Rihanna responded...
“@bigshitxtalker: "The Dark Thot Rises" is not my joke btw! I don't steal. #PromBat.” Haaaa!!! Whooooose then????? They get it
— Rihanna (@rihanna) May 9, 2014
Get WHAT? They might do the same thing even worse and get less hate.
You all are just as sad and ignorant as her and her half-brained fans. Yeah, she did release another tweet that said "She gets it". Whether it came before OR after the ":-(" is beyond me. I think the latter came to save face and throw more shame on the girl. And speaking of that, how the fuck did you not notice the Wu-Tang logo next to it!?
You all called her an idiot for being a fame-seeking whore, but you all are idiots too for not noticing shade being thrown. In fact, by that same logic, Rihanna might as well have made her outfit look like it too. Just replace the pic of the girl with Rihanna and there's little difference.
Thank goodness she did have supporters, who rallied behind her and said the outfit looked great. I think it looks great, too. Odd, yes, but great nonetheless.
This poor girl just wanted to dress like her idol, and her idol metaphorically spit in her face. If that doesn't tell you that celebrities aren't really like us after all, then we live in a sad, sad, sad world. "She don't love her fans like she says she does," Alexis said.
Rihanna...shame on you.
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