Sunday, August 16, 2015

Ariana Grande Hates America (and Also Has Something Against Donuts)

(I know this was late, and took place last month, but this stuck like a tumor in the drafts section. So I had to throw it away.)

I don't know if she was drunk when the video was recorded, but I do believe it.
I don't care much for her as a person, but this was absolutely dumb and foolish.
Plus, there are people in this world that are germaphobes. They can't stand the thought of people touching their things, let alone licking them. So you have to imagine their anger, disgust and rage when she licked those donuts. Now, they have to live through it and relive through it this video.

But the thing that takes the cake here, is this: later in the video, Grande spouts this stupid, stupid statement about the country she was born and raised in:

If you hate America, just leave. I'm pretty sure we don't need people who hate this country at all here anyway. You'd be perfect somewhere else where your fans will kiss your tiny ass and selectively forget that video like it's an STD.

She later apologized in this video, which I couldn't believe if she said this in a scene on Days of Our Lives.

This was just disrespectful to the donut shop, its owner and employees and America.
Screw you, Ariana Grande.

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