Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Justin Bieber Acts--Is an Asshole in a Deposition

Our favorite Canadian tragedy is at it again.
In this video obtained by TMZ, Bieber is asked in a depostition by attorneys in a Florida law office about - and his relationship with Selena Gomez. And all he does is act smug, stern, and a downright ass. Every question he gets asked, he answers with smart-aleck remarks. Take a look...

Literally hours after the questions being asked, Bieber took to Twitter to defend himself:

Justin, I know rich pop star girls are hard to get and get around, just ask the guys who dated Taylor Swift. But still, if someone asks you questions, even from people of authority, you don't act like a dick, like you have somewhere to be.

Minutes later, he sends another tweet, this time to his fans for standing by him and that people of authority shouldn't ruin their mentality. (like that'll happen...)

And if that's not enough, Bieber says he was "set up" by the attorneys to bare his feeling during the depo, because he worries of his feelings and his career enough to think that

BULL. SHIT. Justin, stop. This behavior is just embarrassing. I know I shouldn't care about you or you idiotic antics, but I have a blog and I need to continue it, so you're a idiot. This behavior of yours is-- you know what? It just came to me. Maybe this is a blessing for me. The more you make dumbass decisions in your career and your life, the more posts on you I will make on this blog.

Call me selfish, but if I stay to my original word that I don't talk about Justin Bieber, this blog would be 37% more boring (not a real fact). I need content like this to survive. And I need to air out my thoughts about this sniveling piece of crap to agree with the rest of the world and generate page-views. And in hindsight, I should thank you for it. I should thank you for breaking my (pretend) word to whine my ass off about you, why I now hate you, and how you can act like goddamn Michael Corleone to do whatever you want. So...thank you, Justin Bieber, for being a fucking asshole and having me document as much of your life as I can on this blog to make it more popular.
You're the absolute best!

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