Monday, June 24, 2013

SLMR: Chris Brown's Fine China & Robin #Thicke's Blurred Lines: Irony Personofied

Well it's been awhile since I last reviewed a song, except it wasn't a song; it was a snippet. And I still hate it. This time it's two songs that I actually like. One of them by an R&B singer known for almost all of his singles being about sex and treating a girl like a love slave...and the other being Robin #Thicke. These songs are catchy, the lyrics are saucy, and the appeal is obvious, but I still like them pretty well. These songs are "Blurred Lines" by #Thicke and "Fine China" by Chris Brown.

Let me start with "Fine China". This may be Chris Brown's best single in a long time for me. Not only is it catchy, but also infectious. What makes this so ironic is that the guy singing this is Chris Brown, the guy who treated ex-girlfriend Rihanna...not like fine china. But here, he wants to date a foreign girl and wants to do right by her, despite the objections of her father. Chris proves his point by trying to be a good gentleman...and dance and flip around with a bunch of random people who somehow know the same dance. And of course, he makes the girl immediately fall in love with him. And it works. Just like the song, which also works, as Chris goes back to his pure R&B roots.
What does annoy me about this song is the most obvious, that Chris tries to be Michael Jackson. Clearly he's not and shouldn't be. Also he does some high pitch crap in some of the verses and does what I think is stuttering at the bridge, which I should mute the next times I hear this. Other than that, this was a great song. This coming from a guy who really hates most of his singles and...basically everything he makes that isn't catchy to him in the least. At least it's not yet another explicitly sex-laden song that makes the ladies go "Gaaahhh".

Speaking of explicitly sex-laden songs that makes the ladies go "Gaaahhh", there is one that's burning up the Billboard charts in the form of "Blurred Lines" by Robin #Thicke.

Robin is known as the knock-off of Justin Timberlake, making songs that make women wet and make his record label money. Except the difference between them is that Justin is subtle in his approach to romance, while Robin goes straight for the heart (or vagina) in his, setting them completely apart. And Blurred Lines could be that one song that destroys that talk to the ground. It's all about asking a good girl (who, as he claimed, was close to being trapped in a plastic, boring relationship) to have sex with Robin #Thicke, something I assume no woman would want to say No to unless they're married or a feminist. Although I could do without some of the lyrics, the beat is addictive and, I admit, the line "I know you want it" cannot escape my mind as much as "DuckTales, woo-ooo". And TI and Pharell were there, but I couldn't understand his spitting to review and Pharell just says "Hey Hey Hey" over and over like he's a Fat Albert record.
And speaking of the lyrics, they are very saucy, along with the video, which involves three hot models with no tops (or even a bra) on, showing their breasts throughout almost the whole thing, besides the #Thicke hashtag popping up in every other frame. This was subject to scrutiny from more than a few feminist websites, one of whom called it "sexism under the guise of 'liberating good girls'” or basically it's 3 minutes of rape and bestiality. But in my case, all they did was stand and pose in the half-nude. I don't see what's wrong there. Yes, I'm a guy, you figure out what I was feeling here. But this video is tame compared to others involving girls as objects, which are all creepy as an understatement. I like the video just because it's all having fun and dancing your cares away, even if the song says otherwise.

So there it is. Two songs full of love in different places. I hope you enjoy them and this short review. Any thoughts on these songs, go to the comments section. See you later.

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