Wednesday, May 27, 2020

His Name is George Floyd: Minneapolis Man Killed by Derek Chauvin, Ex-Cop Charged with Manslaughter / Other Cops Should Be Jailed

Once again, the United States is suffering from a disease. It's not just Coronavirus, but also a disease that corrupts and disrupts police officers in many cities across the country. It keeps on happening when it shouldn't have to, and it makes no sense. 

The latest victim is George Floyd from Minneapolis. He was allegedly caught with a voided check and was issued a warrant on fraud charges when he was stopped on the street by local police. According to the cops that were there, George resisted arrest, causing them to handcuff him and drop him to the ground - with one cop forcing his knee on Floyd's neck. That was an example of Brutality already, but what happened next is even more evil. The cop, Derek Chauvin, kept his knee on Floyd's neck for over 5 minutes, even as George begged to be released as he couldn't breathe and needed air. He never got to grasp for air and George Floyd lost consciousness at the scene, was arrested soon after, and died the following day at the hospital.

This was some bullshit. And it didn't even need fo happen. Cops asserting their authority has been a thing pretty much since the creation of law enforcement-- especially to people of color. You would think that in the age of smartphones, instant internet access and social media that  they would finally stand down and actually do their jobs honorably, right? Fucking. Wrong. Ever since (or even before) Trayvon Martin was heartbreakingly and unfortunately killed by fat evil bitch G***** Z******** (you know who that is; I'm not typing its name), there would be more and more cases of black people (who did nothing wrong) intruded upon, racially profiled and killed by white cops (who had major power trips during these incidents), and they end up walking Scot-free from the major crimes they committed thanks to hiding behind their badges and their superiors, who most likely covered up as much as they could to get them off the hook. These flickers should not be in law enforcement if anyone they face looks less like genuine threats that make them say in defense, "I was fearing for my life", when you have a gun, taser and nightstick in your possession.

In George Floyd's case, just because he was taller and stronger than the cops, that doesn't prove, beyond face value, that he would physically threaten the police. And wouldn't know this if the cops were true in their claim that he resisted arrest. But as proven later on after the video's release, they lied. (Shocker.)

Another video was released a few days later showing that George never resisted arrest and that the officers lost their damn minds for no good reason. Despicable.

Even if George resisted arrest, a cop kneeling on his neck like the guy was meeting fucking Queen Elizabeth until he lost his breath and consciousness was way beyond unnecessary and disturbing. These 4 cops did not do their jobs (and if you argue they did, then they did their jobs horribly, because one of them could've just tasered him, and oh yeah - He didn't resist arrest! THEY LIED ABOUT HIM RESISTING ARREST!!

The 4 corrupt cops deserved to get fired. But they deserve even more to go to prison for life -- one of them committed murder, and the other three aided him while doing nothing to stop. There is police brutality, but this instance took it to the next level, and it makes me sick to my stomach. The cynical asshole in me believes they won't go to jail; they'll walk and probably end up in another police department and possibly even kill again without the proper identification. I want  them to face justice and pay for their crime (and yes, choking someone to death is a crime even by a cop). But knowing that this outcome in court has  happened before, it'll happen again. And that is bullshit.

UPDATE: And now, the killer cop will face justice. Chauvin was recently arrested and charged with manslaughter and 3rd degree murder for the death of George Floyd.

The other cops have not yet been charged, but are under investigation.

No one in the Black community 100% trusts the police wherever they are, and this is just yet another reason why. If you out there want to be a cop, remember... this is not a privilege. Killing people just because you wear a badge is not a perk. Your job is to protect the innocent and arrest the corrupt and guilty. If you have to shoot someone, it should be below the head and chest and only at the last resort. If you still want to  be a cop, and ever end up doing this, you will not be seen as a good person.

These four cops.
Remember them as the shameless, badge-abusing scum of the earth they really and truly are.

And remember him like you remember the other African Americans who did not deserve all this.

His name is George Floyd.

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