Friday, April 30, 2021

EDREWtorial: 19 Charges &Counting Part 2 -- Josh Duggar Jailed and Not Guilty on Federal Child Porm Charges

Just as I was happy to live my life without one of TLC's family size disgraces of humanity taking space in my subconscious, but they keep on squatting.

You know these people?

Yup, it's the Duggar family, the subjects of the Garbage Formerly Known as The Learning Channel's popular reality show 17/18/19 Kids &Counting. And one of the kids can't stop being a piece of shit.

It was recently revealed that Josh Duggar (you know, the guy who years ago was revealed to be a member of Ashley Madison and inappropriately touched several girls - some his sisters - during his teen years) has been arrested and charged by the Department of Homeland Security for the uploading and possession of child pornography. He at this moment was arrested by federal officials in Arkansas and pleaded not guilty. Look, I won't get too much into detail about this so here's a few articles about the scandal to gather your shock and options. Now that you read at least one & only one, here's mine.

I never liked the Duggar family. But after the reveals that he diddled his sisters and other girls while they slept and cheating on his wife, Josh was public enemy number one to me ever since. Now, after all this, the rat bastard can rot in hell for all I care.

I've had no emotion or feeling for people who possesed child pornography or committed molestation. Some of my older posts from a few years back had no chill for Jared Fogel (formerly of Subway) and Lena Dunham. Oh yeah, and Duggar himself.

Duggar is even worse because this is yet another inhumane transgression he committed in his life that we know of. But this... this is the worst thing he's ever done. Say what you will about his molesting his sisters alongside other girls while they slept during their adolescent years, but he did the unspeakable act of owning images showing children in ungodly, uncomfortable and unfortunate compromising positions without their knowledge, their having no say in the matter and no way to defend themselves. That is up there with murder, rape, elder abuse, child abuse and grand theft as the most evil things any person in this world can do. And he acts like and is treated like the real victim in all of this. Just look at that mugshot - he doesn't look like he's remorseful and regretful; he looks like he's got a borderline smirk knowing damn well he has the privilege to get off and walk back to the life he was given from more deserving people.

When the Ashley Madison and molestation scandals hit the ether, Duggar deserved all the scorn and criticism from the public.  But his family (his parents in particular) did all the damage control they could that would make Judy Smith (the woman whom inspired Olivia "It's Handled" Pope) proud to protect him. Even his sisters did all they could to downplay it all; never mind the fact that they - the real victims - suffered from the most disturbing, traumatic and unfortunate incident of their lives at the hands of their own brother. But no, wasn't about them; it was all about little elder Josh. They never did their best to explain to Josh about why what he did was wrong, or tell their daughters that what happened isn't their fault and that everything will be alright. They did their best to shield him from the public eye and salvage what was left of their public image of  "the preacher in the luxurious bubble, the woman of a iron uterus and titanium womb and the multiple living proofs that launched from them" and the reality show that features them. (At least on my mind.) This time, they failed and will never look the same even more forevermore.

And because he is a Republican with political ambitions, you know every member of the Grand Old Party will do their damndest to distance themselves from the scandal. If he was a democrat, they'd bitch on Fox News, OAN, Newsmax and every other Daily something-or-other until he resigns in shame (which he would still deserve, because come on...) But they need to realize, there are pictures of themselves with him. If I were them, I'd hope to high heaven that my perspective opponents won't use my photo-op with him come campaign season. 

Again, I've never liked the Duggar family. But ever since I've heard or their role in the scandals, I've outright despised them. I don't care about the "nobody's perfect" bullshit; they sure thought they did and tried everything to prove it and protect it like the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker wannabes they are. Now, they (especially that creepy sister-fisting motherfucker Josh) are getting what they deserved. An image and reputation forever tarnished. I don't care if I sound giddy in watching other people suffer; I should have the right to be if that those suffering are the person who possesed child porn and got caught being more faithful to other women (his siblings included) than his own wife, and the people who bore him trying to pass it off as a hormonal teenager having his own secret sex-ed class without knowing better and protecting him from the repercussions.

 Fuck, I don't feel sorry for his wife Anna anymore because of the fact that she still forgave him and ended up having a litter of their own. She decided to stay and is now married to a pedophile. If she divorces him, it'll still be too late; but if she does run for a lawyer, I hope she gets the best one to take Josh to court and swipe away everything he owns. I hope the kids are okay and will not end up more of his victims. (Like the saying goes: once a molester, always a molester.) After the "divorce", I hope Anna takes the kids away, gets sole custody, takes them far far away, and cuts off contact from their predator father and the rest of their reprehensible family.

As much as I can't stand the Duggars one bit, I do hope some semblance of sanity and sensibility are present in the other kids; I hope they all see this as a lesson in what not to do in the life of a Christian values family and get some professional help and live good comforting lives without the crap they adhere to under their parents reign. If another scandal happens from another Duggar, I won't get irritated or annoyed anymore. I'll just point and laugh and tell you about it.

Fuck this family (especially the parents and Josh) and the people who support them. You are okay with child molestation and adultery and the people who do it because... Jebus.

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