Friday, February 28, 2014

Grandmother Hurt by Burger King...Receipt

Hey there.
Some Burger King in Virginia is under fire for giving an elderly customer a receipt. Yep, that's the reason. A receipt, but not any receipt. This receipt features some bad words on it. Take a look at this report from Richmond TV station WTVR

Oh boo-freaking-hoo. Yes, you received a receipt with curse words on it. That sucks, seriously. And I've never seen a receipt with a customer's name on it. But what can you do about it? No one physically or sexually assaulted you. No one said it to your face. And even if you did, you'd be arrested for putting your hands on the person. So there's nothing you can do about a receipt; except whine to a TV station about it. And that's just beating a dead horse.

And speaking of the station, that was really stupid of them to report on this. What would they do about it? Since this got on TV, the teenager who really did it could've quit his job just so he could escape jail or be on TV, or embarrass (him/her)self in front of his/her family and friends. And the bleep sound they used. Hi-freaking-larious!! And why make that their top story? Was the one about "hundreds dying in an Egypt unrest" not compelling enough?

Folks, I'll let you make your own conclusions on this one, but the old lady and the girl had a good idea to stay away from the Burger King. If/when they get more receipts from jackass teenage employees with names like "Cranky Ass C*nt" or "Old Ass Bag" or..."SLut" because they ran out of obscenities to throw at people, then they can sue the whole place, the kids' grandchildren would be in trouble.

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