Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Serious Post: Dumb Bitch Leaves Dumb Son Alone to Fall in Gorilla's Home; Gorilla Killed Because of This

This is why America is a laughingstock of the world: Most of us don't know any better. And our offspring suffer forever because of it.

At the Cincinnati Zoo, a 4-year-old boy fell into a gorilla enclosure, where 17-year-old Harambe resides. Because of this, zoo security had to kill the gorilla to ensure the boy's safety. The mother of the boy took him and became a negative sensation.

Look, I understand that the security team had no choice but to quickly jump into action and save him by killing the large ape, and that was a noble thing--I praise them for that. But still, it took a while to do so.

As for the boy: he knew no better--yes (he is four by the way), but he should've known enough not to get into the enclosure of a scary 400-pound animal that would've killed him and gobbled him up like a handful of ants in under a minute. But alas, it's not his fault either.

As for the mom: the dumb cunt got what she deserved. She knew what she got into when she left her son to his own devises at a zoo. Her blaming anything else (including the gorilla) before herself and saying "Everyone makes mistakes" is extremely abhorrent. Yet letting her baby go free for a moment was a brilliant idea.

You knew what you got yourself into by taking your child to a public place (e.g. a zoo). You knew what would happen if you let your child go on his/her own in a public place.
And you damn well knew what the consequences would be if your child ever ended up in a dangerous place (e.g. a gorilla enclosure).

Sure, she didn't know about his disappearance until someone spotted him. Wait--that's even worse! She was supposed to keep her eyes peeled on him and nothing else. That's a guaranteed rule of parenthood: Watch over your child or else he/she gets in danger. Had she done that the whole time, none of this would've happened.

And you have the fucking gall to say that "everyone makes mistakes"?!?! Losing your keys is a mistake. Forgetting to pay the bill is a mistake. Driving the wrong direction is a mistake. Watching Fear The Walking Dead is a mistake. Got what I'm saying?? Leaving your child to his own devises in a public place is not a just a mistake.
It's a regret, it's a pain in the ass, and it's a threat to your life and well-being.
What a fucking dumbass bitch.

It really says a lot when the gorilla took better care of your son. He made sure he was okay, took him and kept him safe. He had the boy in his hands for ten minutes. If he wanted to eat him, he would've done so in one minute. Want proof? A witness told ABC News just that.

But now, and forever more, because of your negligence and stupidity, a beloved gorilla is dead, your son is traumatized for life, and you will shamed by your family, friends, neighborhood and country for the rest of ...this year.
Because I'm sure we'll forget you and move on to the next idiot doing something abhorrent under their watch.

1 comment:

  1. your post is exactly RIGHT she is a dumb cunt
