Sunday, February 12, 2017

Triggered White Crybabies Moaning about "Dear White People" TV Series (well...The Date Announcement) | Serious Post

I'm sure you've heard about Dear White People. If you haven't, you may have heard about it now.
That's thanks to the rants, cries, bitching and unintentional jokes of butt-hurt white snowflakes just now hearing about Netflix developing and releasing a new TV adaptation of the critically-acclaimed 2014 indie film of the same name.

Dear White People is about a group of black students attending a prestigious and predominantly white university, and tensions rise when one of the students--protagonist Samantha White (heh)--begins a daily radio show (also named ) and releases a book called "Ebony & Ivy". It's brutal.

All of this will also be re-featured in the upcoming small-screen remake on Netflix.

And when the teaser/"date announcement" video was released last week on the streaming service's YT channel, all hell broke loose. A hell broken loose by misinformed, ignorant white people that clearly didn't even watch the film to give credible justifications. Many of them have cried accused the show of being racist, anti-white, and some have even assumed it would incite (quote) "white genocide". Some of them have already released their own videos on their own channels whining about it. There's also comments by whites under the video commanding a boycott of Netflix for even daring to air it, with one calling the executives "kikes", a German racial slur (Great idea, jackass).
Some of them are found in this video by Taurean Reign (shout-out to him; he's a great commentator).
And that's on top of over hundreds of thousands of dislikes (at the moment, over 345,000) to it aside from under 50,000 likes.
Mind you, the video isn't even a minute long, includes one of the characters (a new-yet-same Sam White) giving a good, legit and understandable reason calling the race out for wearing blackface on Halloween (it just shouldn't happen) and hasn't even been released yet.

Look white people, Dear White People is a satire. It makes fun of people of different races doing different things; whether you're white or black, you're getting lampooned. It's definitely subjective, but has a lot of fans. It was also the basis of the film, but it's very clear you all haven't seen that either. Why waste your time? Netflix is a multi-billion-dollar conglomerate, with hundreds of millions of subscribers signed up across over 100 countries. These efforts to get lots of people as foolish as these people to end their subscriptions over this one little show (that hasn't even been released yet!!) will be for nought.
Netflix doesn't care if a small group of people will stop their subscriptions for anything (let alone one of their original series) just because of a title of a show they believe will one day, wipe out an entire race of people thanks to a show with black characters giving their Caucasian peers legitimate reasons not to do certain things. Just a tingle in their big, large, wide, heavy pockets. And if anything, had they cared, they'd be happy not to have dumb misinformed bigots like you clouding up their subscriber base. And now that you're gone, they can have less to worry about than which original show they might cancel after one season or the whines of people waiting all year for season 2 of Stranger Things.

I'll be watching the film (already available) and TV series (coming April 28), because it looks great and interesting to me. If you don't want to watch it, that's great. You don't have to watch it, and it's not exactly your duty as a human being (especially a black human being) to watch it. But it seems these empty-headed whites feel like they were bound and whipped by Massa because they don't like what they saw or what heard in this 35-second video announcing its release date, and have been forced to watch so they won't get whipped again.

So, stupid white people who believe Dear White People: The Series will someday kill you like Samara kills people who played that tape (you probably don't know what that was either), us all (black people, other white people, every other people across this nation who's probably embarrassed to be associated with you) a favor: educate yourselves and watch this show to see what the fuss was about so you can have at least good reasons to bitch about this show. If not, shut. the fuck. up. Your point is pointless, your tantrum was pathetic, this show will become a hit without you,  Netflix has made it clear (without a word released) that they don't give two flying fucks about you, and you've wasted your Netflix subscription on other great content that needed your Super Why!, World Party, Baby Daddy, VeggieTales, and Trailer Park Boys. I'm sure those shows would love to be engaged by its demographics.

*sigh* fucking hell.

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