Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Woman Who Knows Dick About Education is Now Our Education Secretary | Serious Post

I am furious right now.
I have unprovoked rage inside of me and I just have to let it out.

I rarely discuss politics on this blog, but today I have to make an exception; because the current administration in the White House is going to destroy our country--bit by bit, day by day, crisis by crisis. Donald Trump is our president, and his staff run our nation in parts. And if that doesn't give a waking nightmare right now, then this will.

Some members of his cabinet are personify irony, as they know zero fucking percent about the thing they're now running;
-Ben Carson--head of Urban Housing and Development, wasn't raised in the 'Hood.
-Rick Perry--head of Energy, hates and has some strange agenda about the EPA and just wants to drill, baby, drill.
-Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State--a job that involves alliance building and globalization, was once the president & CEO of ExxonMobil
-Tom Price--Health & Human Services Secretary, wants to help destroy the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare)
-Jeff Sessions, Attorney General, is a fucking racist
-Mike Pompeo, CIA Director, once wanted to bring back torture...several times.
-Steve Mnuchin, Treasury secretary, was  a banker at Goldman Sachs...and also executive producer of The Lego Batman Movie.
...but it doesn't stop them from doing so because they don't care about what they're running as long as they're as rich as they are before and will have fun shepherding and watching the destruction of what they believe is ruining their country (aka something that isn't as loaded as they are).
But the one I (along with everyone else that's sane) hates the most is also one of the most well-known and prominent: Betsy DeVos, who as of earlier today, was nominated as Secretary of Education. But here's they thing about her you may have learned about her by now: SHE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT LEADING PUBLIC EDUCATION!!! She only got the nominated because of the dunces in the peanut gallery known as Republicans in Congress.  Congressional Democrats and any constituents tried their damnest to stop the nom (some Congress-Dems even pulling a all-night protest). A couple Congress-Reps even refused to vote because of their disdain of DreadVos and her dangerously-unqualified policies. The vote on the floor led to a tie of 50-50. But all their efforts ended up in vain, as Vice President Mike "Fathead-in-Line" Pence showed up to break the tie, leading to a 51-50 result and an opening for De-Smogs to definitely get the job.
How she got here? Well, like the other members of Orange-in-Chief's administration, she donated to his campaign with a big contribution of a million dollars. That's it; the fact that her rich rush gave some cash to Trunp, that's enough to secure a major occupation on his staff. If that's all it took, I'm sure Tomi Lahren may be next.

Fuck. me. sideways.
I can't fathom this woman. If you watched videos of her being questioned by Democratic Senators on the Senate floor, that is all you need to know about her to know she's bad news. But if you'd like to handle vomiting in your mouth during viewing, take a look at this:
When a former writer on fucking Saturday Night Live knows more about your job than you do, everyone else is in a load of crap.

Here's a little more about our new Education Extractor: she never went to public school in her life, her kids have never been enrolled, and she never went to a public university (she instead went to a religious-based college run by the son of the founder of Westboro Baptist Church). So basically, she wants to create a system filled with Christian-faith-based schools and Bible-based studies. Nice. (/s)
Way before plans came to place, she also became known for a theory that grizzly bears would appear in schools, so faculty should receive guns to annihilate them. Lemme know when one walks up to a school hungry for gross cafeteria lunch. There's a chance he'll start talking (particularity with a voice similar to Eric Edelstein).

I am not only furious about this result, I am scared.
Not only for me and the young members of my family, but also for the young members of other families across the country. Some of them have went to public school, so whether of not they enjoyed the experience, they are the lucky ones right now. Because their kids or their grandkids will probably never get to continue through whatever school they'll go to or will never go to one at all. DeVry's plan is to gut the public education system from the inside out, and place more emphasis on charter schools. But charter schools are not exactly that great. In fact, they may be just as bad as some of the more financially-destroyed school districts in the country.
But DeVilos doesn't care; she wants to ruin something she has next to nothing about to make her even richer, and will only help the richest of the richest.

I have nephews and nieces who either are in elementary school or haven't even gone to kindergarten yet, and I seriously fear for their futures because of this nomination. And other kids too; if they don't have a proper education, their lives on this planet just may be fucked forever.

If you are okay with this, you either don't know or don't care.
You must be too rich and prosperous (and/or not a Trump supporter) to do something to oppose this. You act like this is a good thing when you have little to no idea of what you have just put us through. You hoped that human Jabba the Hutt meets an Orange Julius would do much better than Hillary Clinton in the White House? You are DEAD WRONG.

So thanks a lot, Republicans--and by extension, Trump supporters. Betsy DeNo-Mas is now or Secretary of Education. And our education system as we know it will no longer get better. It's all down a bridge from here. And we have a year before anything can get even marginally better.

I hope we all can do something to stop her and ensure a better, stronger and healthier education system, where public schools get the funding and products it needs for the students of the future, and charter schools...get better too.
All we can do is take down DeWhatsherface. (without violence of course.)
But it will be a long while before we can do so successfully.

I'm gonna cry...

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