Thursday, September 14, 2017

PewDiePie Uses N-Word During Live Gaming Stream Screw-Up

So...PewDiePie used the N-word during a livestream on YouTube this week. That sucks...but...

This doesn't surprise me at all. I've never heard a lot about PewDiePie or his YT career (quite lucky I am don't you think?), but from what little I have heard about them, it's usually startlingly strange.

Earlier this year, he paid two guys five dollars each (I assume) on Fiver (a website that lets random people tell other random people to do random things for 5 dollars) to dress and act stereotypically Jewish in an oddly anti-Semitic video (notable moment "Death to all jews"). He also was caught saying the N-word before in a video. I'm not really surprised at this, because I don't really like or care for PewDiePie very much; I could care less about about what he does or says on his channel because he doesn't interest or appeal to me. So why does this slip-up? It's something he's done before to similar criticism, and I like watching trainwrecks go down on the internet (as long as I'm not involved, of course).

I'm not entirely angry or furious about this. It's hypocritical for some black people to get furious at people of other races to say "nigga" and even "nigger" nonchalantly yet they feel it's a word important and exclusive to them... yet they don't like it. ...yet they use it a lot. ...yet they feel uncomfortable about it. yet they don't--ahh, fuck it, you get my point. Anyway, I'm more annoyed at its existence now than outright furious about it.

And I'm annoyed about PewDiePie's using it, but more because I'm aware of it than him using it. I couldn't give a rat's ass if he knows the meaning of life and revealed it on 60 Minutes or wrote a thesis on the difference between humans and animals that won a Nobel Prize; I still don't like him any nor does he grab my interest almost all the time. But this should say he shouldn't be as popular as he somehow is, and that the most popular personalities on YouTube are loud, obnoxious, annoying, barely-talented, mirror-hogging wazz-bags (see: Smosh, FineBros., iJustine, Joey Gracieffa, Epic Meal Time, That'sSoJack, Lohanthony, Ray William Johnson, several others and ESPECIALLY Shane Dawson).
(and no, I'm not jealous of any of them... Really!)

So...yeah... Goodnight.

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