Friday, December 26, 2014

More of The Downfall of Justin Bieber

This post began work In March 2014, after the video deposition.
It seems like these days, to maintain your status as a celebrity, you have to do some dirty work. Some stars have by changing up the status quo by doing different roles or changing the sound in their music. Others, on the other hand, do horrible things like steal, smoke dangerous drugs, drink heavily, commit assaults, possess illegal weapons and break the hearts of fans, among other things. In the year 2014 (and the second half of 2013), Justin Bieber has been doing some of the latter, going himself into frequent squabbles with area police departments and getting close to being behind bars, but always walks off scot free. So I, Andrew, give you a (semi-)complete rundown of the crimes committed by Justin Bieber.

I call it "More of the Downfall of Justin Bieber".

On March 10, a video of Bieber being asked questions in a deposition that was taped on March 6. The Biebs was an asshole throughout the entire depo, looking bored, talking smart and acting like he had places to be, He also pretended to fall asleep in his chair at one point. The kicker came when one of the lawyes asked him about Selena Gomez. He told them: "Don't ever ask that again" over and over.

On May 12, Bieber, ever so cunning, got himself in legal trouble when he was caught stealing. The item of attempted theft? A cell phone. Justin and some friends were at--of all places--a mini-golf outlet. Police were called to the place because Bieber allegedly already stole a little girl's phone. The woman herself told TMZ that Bieber saw her taking pictures, so he came up to her and demanded he take it to delete the pics; she obviously refused. So the Biebz thought it was okay to reach into her purse, grab it, and do it himself. (SMH) Someone close to Bieber tried to downplay the situation.
"Justin was just enjoying hanging out with friends at the batting cage and playing mini-golf," the source told CNN. "This just wasn't a big deal."
I wonder if the lady owner of the phone was either angry or honored to have her phone stolen by Justin Bieber. Probably the former.

On May 15, a video was released of Bieber doing a really stupid and dangerous stunt. It's called "Skitching", in which someone rides a skateboard while hitching a ride close to a car. Just look at this.

If only he tripped. (Sorry (notsorry), that was cruel)

I might not think of this as that bad, but--on May , a video was released of Bieber saying a joke in regards to black people. The video, taped five years ago during his "swoopy hair" days, shows Bieber with some friends playing XBox, when Bieber says this:

He was 15 years old at the time, not much a kid anymore, so apparently, either he didn't know right from wrong like how we do in America, or he does, but just doesn't know there was a camera right there in front of him recording his every word. Either way, whoever said the joke that Bieber got it from, he must be blushing.

Bieber would later make an apology on Twitter, saying this:
So he apologized, and it's kinda perfectly sincere; that's good enough, right? Well, it would...

...if not for what happened on the week of June 3, when a 24-second video was surfaced of Justin rearranging the lyrics of his 2009 song "One Less Lonely Girl" and added the N-word to it. He also adds a sweet, lighthearted lyric about killing a girl (assumingly Black) and joining the Ku Klux Klan. Take a look at this garbage.

I admit, I snickered at this the first time, but you have take a look at my face to see how disgusted I am at this. If Donald Sterling has to give up the Clippers for the words he said (and it's still well-deserved), then Usher and Scooter Braun have to give up his pretty-boy ass soon. We Americans are already annoyed by his antics so far, so if there's any chance Canada can take him back with open arms, we'd understand fully.

And yet, he's still around, and he's gone into pissing off us Americans intentionally. Earlier this week, Bieber attended a party in an Ibiza, Spain nightclub Cipriani, and almost got into blows with actor Orlando Bloom. Bloom almost punched Bieber in the face for an alleged crack the Biebz made about Orlando's ex-wife and Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr. Bloom attempted to run past security and tried to run Bieber over and clock him. Biebz ducked from the shot, but felt ready to fight and shouted "What's up, Bitch?" before leaving the nightclub. One of Bieber's sources says it didn't happen until after Bloom took the swing and missed. Also, someone on Justin's side says that he and party went past Bloom's table (he was at another) and wanted to shake his hand, but Bloom refused. This beef between the two began in 2012 when Bieber got flirty with Kerr during the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, which set off tension between her and Bloom. The couple later separated in October 2013.
It's one thing and it's another to want to punch Bieber in the face because of how much of a candy-ass pretty-boy he is, but it's not cool to joke about someone's family, especially when that family has a child with them. If I were Orlando, as soon as someone tells me that Justin Bieber made a crack about my ex, I'd rush to the other side of the party and knock him out the second I'd see him, whether or not that'd be an excuse to punch him for no reason. And God help him if he made a joke about my daughter. I'm just saying, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE if that happens. Even if he didn't make these smart-ass remarks, Justin Bieber needs to keep quiet sometimes and think before he acts, or else he could get his dyke-looking ass beat by another grown man (or woman) at another party in foreign country.

After that Bieber would get into trouble a couple more times this year, but they're not a huge or memorable. But this year has become the year of Justin Bieber going Apeshit and never looking back. We'll never know whatever trouble he'll get into next year, but we all should keep this in mind. If Bieber's music goes into decline in quality and mass-sized quantity, he'll get desperate and "make more trouble", while we'll not care and watch his embarrassment in enjoyment. And I'll have another year-long-made post hot-and-ready.

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