Thursday, January 30, 2014

Deport Justin Bieber?

Wow, you guys really take this thing with Justin Bieber really seriously. Now that Justin has screwed himself up in Cali and Miami, you people won't take this anymore. In fact, you had a petition signed to deport Bieber back to his home country in Canada. Since the petition reached 100,000+ signatures, the freaking WHITE HOUSE is forced to respond to it and figure out whether or not to kick him out of the country.

Wow. The fact that you say you don't care about Justin Bieber, yet you do anyway really makes me sad. You guys are feeding into his nonsense and regurgitating bullcrap. If this happens to be a gimmick, this will make Justin even more famous and more people will buy music and go to his concerts and do anything that involves his face and whatever.

IF Justin goes back to Canada, that doesn't mean he'll just go away. He'll do the EXACT same things he did in the past month: DUIs, drag races, drug possession, throwing eggs, beating the crap out of people, and acting downright stupid. And his own country has to deal with this dipstick. I know that's what you all wanted, but we've had Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love, Madonna, Ke$ha, all the male actors from the 80s, and even Marilyn Monroe went through this behavior. The reason we haven't had them deported is because them are from this country and we all never had deportation on our mind. And in Marilyn's case, I don't think deportation even existed at the time.

People, we have taken this too far. We need to take this one day at a time and hope (and pray) that Justin new behavior (or phase, as this might be) dies down and Justin gets back to the studio and make music, because that's the only good thing about him he has left. To sing songs, sell products, and show barely-there sex appeal only female and gay male fans feed into and everyone else sees as man looking like a dyke with a crotch they don't see as male one.

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