Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Man Sues McDonald's...Because He Was Given ONE NAPKIN

I'll get this out of the way quickly.

Toss this under "Stupid Lawsuits That Should've Never Even Been Thought Of". A man is suing a California McDonald's for--get this--giving him one napkin. (Shut the front door!) Webster Lucas says he ordered a Quarter Pounder Deluxe at the Pacoima, Calif., eatery on Jan. 29.

But on opening up his paper bag, he found just one paper tissue. He alleges that when he returned to the counter to ask for more, managers refused. Lucas alleges the debate turned racial when the Mexican-American boss mumbled something like "you people" and some stuff-— which Lucas took to be a reference to him being black. He did make a point about the manager not giving him more napkins; he was very assholish and a jerk. But really...

Dude, be glad you even got a napkin in the first place. Some people walked out of McDonald's without any napkins at all, and they don't complain. Maybe because they thought that if they sued, it'll make them look like idiots. Just like you are. A damn idiot. And if you really wanted a napkin so badly, go home and get some tissue, go buy some from the store, or even go to Burger King! At least they let you get some yourself.
The man also claims that the incident caused him "undue mental anguish."

"Undue mental anguish."
You loopy man-cunt!!! You go mental after bitching out against the manager for having one napkin?!? I've gotten beat up and humiliated for nearly all of my childhood, and I've never whined, cried or moaned about anything. You were given one napkin, and now you feel mentally destroyed and need to sue?! You need a kick to the head, that's what you need.

And about the "You people" comment, it probably wasn't because you were black, it was because you're a dumbass.

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