Monday, March 31, 2014

Security Stupidity at 1 World Trade

For the past few weeks and a half, One World Trade Center in New York City has gained a...sorta new reputation. Besides now being the largest building in the country, and a piece of welcome change in this country after the still-horrible September 11th attacks; 1WTC has now become a new target for people to scale and put in jeopardy.

Twice in the last six months, security guards were sleeping on the job while random people sneak through the security gate and scale the building. First a kid from New Jersey went to NYC and, after going past guards, scaled the entire building; scaled, from ground floor to spire. This Fortunately, he was caught and arrested.

And second, four workers who constructed the building snuck past security and reach the top of the building to do a shocking and scary stunt of skydiving straight from the top and reach the ground at a time when most of the City That Never Sleeps...well, sleeps. One of them taped video of the stunt as this happened. Here’s the video.

They later turned themselves in to the NYPD.

One time a guard (who was "half-blind", mind you) was caught on camera dozing off while work continued on the building's interior. Although it was in daylight, the fact he got hired, and the fact that he signed up for this job while he knows he's BLIND IN ONE EYE, with the other eye's vision crappy at best, is a mystery that even Dipper Pines can’t solve.

Although I love this country (I honestly do), there are reasons I hate living in it. Some of those are that anyone can be a kidnapper or murderer (even the prettiest ones), someone (anyone) will sneak past security at random places, the goddamn NAVY believes Cap'n frickin' Crunch is not a REAL captain (!!), and a kid can be smarter than police into doing anyone his bidding.
Now, I'm putting this out there for the people who are illogical enough I'm not criticizing the police; they do an awesome job, and should continue to do so. I'm criticizing the idiotic company hired the dumbasses who are sleeping on the post while random numbskulls sneak past them, scale the building, and do God-knows-what inside. Why hire these fools? It’s not cheap to do background checks and physical training on people before they even get a call to be rejected. And if that wasn't enough, President Obama made a message weeks ago saying that he's worried about a nuclear bomb going off in Manhattan more than attack from a foreign country. How calming.

Why not just hire Patrick Star?; He'll not only sleep and later sneak into the building at night, but somehow let everyone inside even for make-out sessions and weed trade. That’s how I feel, folks. Hate it? Comments at the bottom.

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