Monday, October 20, 2014

Little Boys Fight While Parents Cheer On--SMGDH

This is just sick and wrong.

A video was released earlier today, showing two little boys fighting in Wilmington, Del. What makes this worse is that the their parents and the other adults in the video aren't stopping them. They're letting them fight, and even cheered them on. At one point, you can hear the boys cry. Take a look at the video below, courtesy of WPVI Philadelphia.

The video was posted to the station's Facebook page by a viewer with the viewer asking for a follow up, and the station complied. Wilmington police are investigating. It is unknown why the boys are fighting, but nonetheless, this is disturbing.

Parents, adults, you people are idiots.
If your children are in a conflict, you don't settle it by forcing to fight! That not only doesn't deserve to happen, but it shows how inhumane and downright horrible parents can be. I know there are people saying "Don't judge them; they're doing what they think is right". And that's...okay. But if what they think is right includes two elementary-school-aged kids beating the snot out of each other, then they all need a night in jail--the parents for the fight and the kids to be taught a lesson that violence is the wrong answer. Oh and those people; I seriously question their logic and sanity.

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