Friday, January 16, 2015

Funday Friday: #2--Love At First Chip or How Our Love of Doritos Destroyed Our Rainforrests

Welcome back to Funday Friday.

So I was looking down the timeline and I saw this interesting pic.
A couple sitting in a bathtub filled with Doritos. And I though "This shall be good". So I clicked on the pic, went to the page saw the video. It's a really funny vid about a couple who fall in love thanks to their shared love of Doritos. Absurd, but cool. But when I reached the end (like you will when you watch the clip, it'll surprise you and make you think for a sec.

Yep, Doritos is made from Palm Oil.
What makes this surprising is that Doritos owner PepsiCo goes through the world's rainforests to get part of the ingredients for the chip brand. Meaning all those Doritos they bought in the commercial (and that includes the breakfast they shared [I mean EW! Don't y'all eat anything else?!?], the "star" they made and that bath) partially came from those rainforests.

(so what's the point??)
The point is...
Rainforests across Southeast Asia are being destroyed every day to make way for massive palm oil plantations, where workers, even children, are trapped in modern slavery to cultivate the vegetable oil. The clearing of these rainforests and peatlands are driving many species like the orangutan and Sumatran tiger to the brink of extinction, while also polluting the Earth's atmosphere by releasing gigatons of greenhouse gases.

Each year, PepsiCo buys 427,500 tonnes of palm oil.

Nonprofit organization Sum of Us has been asking for PepsiCo to go a different direction in using sustainable palm oil for Doritos. As of this month...they're trying. They need you to show them a better alternative to destroying the rainforests for a snack that isn't even healthy. This petition here will help go one step closer to making a difference.

Have a great weekend, and see ya later!

(And another thing, who marries someone just because they eat Doritos? There are other things to connect with: bike-riding, photography, stock trades, photosynthesis, Adventure Time--I don't know!)

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