Saturday, October 24, 2015

S/LSR: Yesterday (The Black Eyed Peas) and Downtown (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis)

Welcome, bros and mamacitas!

This edition of Short/Long Song Review is taking you back (WAAAY back!) to when the times were good. To when the records were bangin, the lyrics were dope and when the rappers spittin' them were fresh as hell. And these tracks I'm slayin' is by two musical acts that have made their returns to high applause and (in one case) higher holds on the charts.
Speaking Less like a host on Yo! MTV Raps, It's about time that these guys returned to the music scene with these songs, and with the changes they made behind the scenes, it's a wonder why they haven't released released them earlier. (Oh wait, they did. And I'm just late on this review.) Oh well. Let's fire up the colortinis and check out the latest tracks from what can be our new favorite groups (well, depending on your view).

It's "Yesterday" by The Black Eyed Peas and
"Downtown" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.

And they have returned from a two-year hiatus to make a splash with their newest song, “Yesterday”.

This track was released in a rather obscure fashion (at least for me). I had no idea it existed until a review video from Mues Productions popped up. After watching it, I had to check it out myself. I'm so glad I did.

Yesterday” is about reminiscing about the rap songs you loved listening when you were a kid, and wishing of reliving those times you inevitably enjoyed.
And this is perfect.

I never realized the group’s hiatus ended so early, because, thanks to the awful nature of their last singles of the “The Beginning” era, I never pay attention to them in the music news a lot. Granted, I don’t pay attention to many people; that would explain why I mentioned a few times that I didn’t notice some songs.

There is so much I love about this track, so let’s get into detail about them.

The most noticeable element of the song is that one of the members, Fergie, is nowhere to be heard in the song.
I’ve never listened to The Black Eyed Peas before Fergie joined in 2003, so I can’t judge them so much for it, but I’m definitely sure things are better when she doesn’t appear with them here, because I think they have much better strengths without her. Fergie doesn’t hog the spotlight, Will doesn’t make whack-ass beats and corny-ass lyrics (granted almost all of the beat is not of his own, but still), and Apl and Taboo actually get more than one verse each (emphasis on “each” because sometimes one of them doesn’t even get a verse), so this is very refreshing. I love that the song has samples to classic rap tracks, putting the concept full circle, and making it much more better in my eyes.

The video features the guys at a record store looking through records and mentioning some of them and their artists. Throughout the video, the Peas are superimposed into the covers of the classic albums they’ve mentioned, which is really cool and makes the video very entertaining.
I will mention that this video concept may have been ripped off from the video of Erykah Badu’s “Honey”, with the musician saying this in a tweet:

but it seems the R&B/soul legend is cool with it, not going bitchy mode and suing.
So all’s well.

And speaking on Fergie again, she doesn’t appear at all in the video, and that’s a good thing.
Since her ascension during their hip-pop era, she usually gets the spotlight in any of their videos, with Will getting some as well, and Apl and Tab just being lucky to coast along for the paychecks. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen. All three guys get a turn in front of the camera, with each of them getting a great footing. It’s glorious--And again, It’s refreshing.
I love the video, especially the aforementioned concept of the guys in the albums. Even if they jacked the idea from her video.

I also want to mention this: another guy also appears in the video with the Peas, assumedly another rapper. He appears during Will’s line “I’m taking you to the future”, and is assumedly a part of the group for later in their reunion phase.
Also, when he says that line, I think he means that because the guys may have more singles coming to celebrate their 2 decades of music. They already have another single out, called “Awesome”, so they are on a big track to relevance once again.

This song was produced to commemorate to the 20th anniversary of the group’s forming. And I can’t say enough that this is a perfect way to celebrate. It has great verses, awesome flow, bombastic beat, actual effort from and makes me want to listen to it all day. It’s good to see what the Peas are still up to these days, and that they’re still making leeway in the 2010s, and it actually makes me care. And I’m actually looking forward to what they have coming soon to keep the Anniversary going.

Congrats to the Black Eyed Peas for the big Two-0!! I (along with the other fans) am proud of you guys and your accomplishments and will love the new music and the next album.

And now, another group returning from obscurity and hitting the mainstream in full force again.
Ladies and gentlemen...
And it’s great to see too, because after a long hiatus (and Macklemore’s admitted stay in rehab [it’s good to hear he’s doing great now]), the beloved duo (and possibly the first white rap duo black people love since The Beastie Boys) has returned to the public consciousness to lay on some good-old, goofy, funny, and awesomely-flowed music with their latest song “Downtown”.

The first time I heard about the song, I was at the website for the this year’s MTV Video Music Awards (which, by the way, looks like MySpace and 4chan vomited, and since the website has many pages looking like that, and the host was Miley Cyrus, this was understandable), and I was shocked that they’ve returned, and happy to see Ben doing alright after his bombshell drug scare.

So I randomly went to YouTube to look at some clips, including a WatchMojo video about fake TV show music videos (admittedly because I saw a picture of Stewie in front of a fireplace naked--don’t ask), and I saw a thumbnail of this video by Mack and Ryan entitled “Downtown” and clicked on it. And boy, I was so glad I did.
(Accidental Coincidence--It’s Penn Zero all over again!)

So what is this song about?
The first verse is about buying a Moped, and then transfers to being about going downtown and metaphorically devouring a woman’s ass like Hannibal Lecter eating someone’s back and leg for Tuesday dinner. This stream-of-consciousness thinking might sound nonsensical, but fuck me if I didn’t find it fun, funny and radical. Plus hearing featured guest Eric Nally scream-sing “DOWNTOWN!” almost made me gasm all over my couch. And that was when I thought he was a WOMAN.

At first from listening to the faux-retro beat and watching a group of guys dancing at the start, I assumed this was a sort-of answer song to “Uptown Funk”, but when I listen to the first few lines, It seemed like it was a sequel to “Thrift Shop”, because Mack was asking for an affordable price to a motor-scooter. It could also have a splash or three of “White Walls” in, too. And then after hearing the chorus, it could also be alluding to the classic of the same name by Petula Clark. And after listening to this, it seemed clear that it could be something of all of them.
And that made this track better. In fact, this comment I saw on YT sums it up real nicely.

The song also includes guest verses from definite icons of Hip-Hop, Melle Mel, Kool Mo Dee and Grandmaster Caz. While I've never listened to their music (well, I watched a documentary on the beginnings of the genre once, so that counts), I do say their appearance here is a damn great one. They haven't lost their touch, their style is amazing and I truly enjoyed. Great to see them in this song and on the Rap music scene again.

It’s very good to hear Macklemore’s voice through my speakers again, because it was way too long from listening to a Macklemore & Ryan Lewis song for me. It’s like the duo never left; Ryan’s beat-work is absolutely narmy, but perfect; Ben’s lyrics are hilarious, but very infectious catchy; and the video is their signature, corny, hilarious and retro-looking yet cinematic and beautiful-looking clips that could make big comedy film director jealous, and a guest verse by an unknown singer that will no doubt be famous after it becomes a hit. (Looking at you, Wanz, Ray Dalton and Mary Lambert). The artist here is Eric Nally. At first, I thought he was a woman, because of his vocals, but then after seeing him, and regretfully squicked, I thought he makes vocals that could halfway match Freddie Mercury (And I do mean halfway).
It’s this part of the song that can make it a big hit; not many people with even try to memorize Mack’s lyrics, but I’m sure everyone will remember Eric Nally’s chorus very well.

Let’s discuss the video for a bit. My God, it’s it perfect. It’s the same signature that Mack & Ryan are known for. Wide, sweeping shots, unique-yet-goofy plots, even goofier people, and Macklemore laying down his hilarious-yet-awesome raps. Just what you would expect in all of their clips.

In the end, this is another song that will become a brilliant piece on the Billboard charts and will be a simple reminder that Macklemore & Ryan Lewis will become a perfectly great duo in music and will never be denied as such by everyone. Welcome Back, guys; we’ve missed you so.

And here they are: “Yesterday” and “Downtown
Two (relatively new) songs that are perfect comebacks for a rap-music group and a rap-music duo that are sorely missed in music (well, depending on your view). I’m glad they’re both back, and in full force, too. Because what they brought to the table changed the game and made them household names not to be reckoned with. And now, they’re here for a second coming and it’s going to be huge..and hot.
It’s great to have you both back, Back Eyed Peas and Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.

See you later for another Short/Long Song Review.

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