Saturday, December 05, 2015

A Special Seasonal Surprise Review: North Pole Down (Penn Zero)

Ho-ho-hi, everyone.

I’m Andrew, and I welcome you to the first of many special Surprise Reviews from Maroon Mondays during the Holiday Season. How special? I’m reviewing Christmas episodes of your favorite cartoons. It’s just like the regular Special Reviews, only more...festive.

The first Review is from Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero (which at this point is probably me just kissing up to the co-creators, the cast and the crew for my love to this show). The episode is not only the first Christmas special, but is also the first of the series, which makes it instantly cool because of how unique that is.
It’s rare that a television series of any kind, let alone an animated series, would begin with an episode that takes place during the Christmas season. But this one did, and it’s a great one.
This episode packs a lot of action, comedy and drama (for lack of not knowing a better term) where you probably don't expect from most action shows. But it's definitely worth watching.

It's "North Pole Down".

This episode features a mission Penn thought was the last thing he would ever want, especially considering the circumstances surrounding him: He is Ol’ Saint Nick himself. Along with Sashi as his head elf and Boone as his main reindeer, he has to do--exactly what we all know Santa does.
Meanwhile, in the distance, a group of gingerbread people.

It’s truly genius. Despite Penn’s want to skip Christmas without his parents--and over-eagerness to do literally anything else at the time, the plot has him portray Santa Claus to save Christmas FOR ALL THE OTHER KIDS in the world. But after time with his elves, a betrayal by what he thought was a sudden ally, and a sweet talk with his friends while imprisoned, he does have a change of heart and finishes the mission. But there are moments in between that makes you understand why this mission is the worst thing for him.

This special has many great moments that’ll either make you laugh or cry. Or both.

Let’s start with the moments that make you cry. These are the heartbreaking moments.
For starters, the scene that drives the entire plot: The reveal that Penn’s parents can’t join their son for Christmas. It’s truly harrowing to see our Part-Time Hero break down this way, but it really does tug at your heartstrings, especially if you’ve been in a situation where either or both of your parents can’t be home for the holiday. I can understand.

Then there’s scene where Penn gets tricked by The Snowman.
See, Penn had to have his messed-up MUHU (a device that makes visual contact with friends and family under the proviso as Part-Time Hero) fixed. So a guy called The Snowman comes out during an attack from Rippen’s sugar-plumy army, and says that he knows a way to get out of headquarters safely, just so Penn would have a way to fix it. But as it turns out, he was a mook for Rippen. This puts him, his friends and his workers deep in danger.
Ouch. Right in the gut, through the back.

Then, later on: Penn is in even more turmoil. While finally having the Christmas quota on par for the year, he’s forced into a dilemma by Rippen--ruin Christmas for many kids around the world to talk with his mom and dad, or save it while also giving up contact with them. He does make the latter choice fortunately, but it really hits you right in the heart when you realize that Penn won’t have to talk to his parents on Christmas Eve (or even Day...). It really hurts.
And it’s amazing.

Seriously, everyone involved put so much effort and if these moments won’t make you cry, you have no soul.

I loved the heartbreaking-turned-heartwarming moment: Our Part-Time Hero has to spend Christmas without his parents. And we even see the family still apart on the Day itself.
But the message is wonderfully made clear. Even if your family can’t be together for Christmas, doesn’t mean your family isn’t always there. You’ll always have others with you during the special day: Your friends. (And the family that actually visited during the holidays)


Just because this episode had tear-jerking and heartwarming moments, doesn’t mean it didn’t have funny moments either. So let’s discuss some. Here are my favorite moments that made me laugh from “North Pole Down”.

Right out of the gate, the episode (and the series) began with a day in work for our Part-Time Heroes and Villains: at a canyon trying to find a powerful sword. But it took a few tries.
What makes it work for me is the timing of the reveal of the sword decoys and Penn’s ham-iness from taking out the third decoy. I truly get a kick out of that. Also, this:

My Gosh, sidesplitting.
Also, I would’ve make a joke about this, but it seems too late now for it to be relevant…
because the guy’s not a guy anymore.
At the start, after the first mission, Sashi, another display of how insanely badass she is, cuts off the head of a fake display reindeer on Penn’s roof. She thought it was it the real thing. And you can feel her confusion. That was scary funny.
I repeat: she’s insanely badass, but at that point, one of those words needed to be bolded.
His Uncle Buck and Aunt Rose's Pigeon Egg Diorama

Larry’s sweater

These Exchanges:
Phyllis? I need a favor. _
You cannot find date to prom? Don't worry. I will try to find dress.” -Phyllis
No! No. No. Sorry for yelling. That is literally my nightmare.” _ -Penn
If you don't get the sleigh launched before then [gasps] Christmas will be canceled.” -Sashi
Christmas canceled?!” -Boone
"Hey, hey, hey. Hey."
[Boone hyperventilating]
Breathe into the Santa hat, Boone. Breathe.
There you go, nice and easy.
Okay, I'm gonna pet you now, but not in a weird way.
” -Penn

The scenes of Gingerbread Larry eating himself
(come on, if you were made that way, you’d kinda do the same)
Larry, stop that. People are staring.” -Rippen
I can't help it, I have so many flavors.
Mmm. [...] Mmm! I'm delicious.” -
“Well, then just quietly eat your arm, okay?” -Rippen
Yes, sir!” -Larry

But, not to be finished, this review can't be such without mentioning the awesome moments of the episode.
And there were a lot. And when I'm speaking of this show, it lives, eats, breathes and sleeps awesome. It could even sleep with awesome, but this is a mostly kids show, so I won't go further with that.
These are the moments of awesome.

-Their first mission, beating Rippen and Larry to return the powerful sword.

-Penn giving up his fixed MUHU (and contact with his parents) to save Christmas, despite earlier.

Coordination, determination, Teamwork and fist-bumping.

So yeah, this special is fantastic and brilliant on many fronts: it’s funny, it’s distressing, it’s uplifting, and it’s a perfect piece for the holiday season. And it’s a perfect way to start a television series. If my first review of the series (Defending the Earth & Number 1, Number 2) didn’t prove how much I love this series, then this (admittedly smaller) review will.

I'm so glad this episode was made, and is a perfect Christmas special to watch for the holiday season.

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