Sunday, March 26, 2017

White Supremacist Kills NY Black Man Because...Well, You Know Why | Serious Post

It's 2017, and yet some things in this nation are still alive and well, after all these decades:
-Local Terrorism
-Racist Groups with the Intent of Wiping Out Other Races
-Killing People with Racist Ideals.
All of this were still around for a very long time, and are sadly still here. And after the election of our current president, all of these things blew up like a dumpster fire. And four of those things were in play last week when James Harris Jackson killed an elderly Black man in New York in broad daylight during the afternoon.
The man Jackson killed was 66-year-old elderly man Timothy Caughman. It was a part of a plan Jackson concocted to take out as many Black men as possible to send a message of White supremacy after seeing Black men with White women. One of his initial main targets was an interracial couple.

I have no words for people like him. They always come around and ruin everything for Black people, and act like they're the representation of a perfect world where White people live in perfect harmony. But in reality they're the bottom-of-the-barrel scum who's mission to wipe out other races from the US is the worst to humankind since Slavery and the reign of Hitler. I always hated for white supremacists and the like, so to see one roaming in the streets taking out my people for no reason other than to make that mass wipe-out closer to fruition. And it make me so happy to see them fail and getting the punishment they deserve, while so sad to see their victims suffer the ultimate price.

As heartbreaking as it was, I'm glad no other people were Jackson's victims. His plan would've worked if he wasn't caught so quickly. Fortunately, New York is the media capital of the world. And in the media capital of the world, there are cameras. And cameras will catch everything.
I feel so sorry for Timothy Caughman's family. Hope they get the solemness and closure they need and deserve.

And now, Jackson been charged with first-degree murder.
Good; he deserves either life in maximum security or the death penalty. Either way, I bet the police and prison employees will take their sweet precious time with Jackson (and you get one guess as to the reason why).

And you know what the irony is? This sub-human pile of dog shit is from Baltimore. One of the biggest urban and diverse cities in the country (at least from watching The Wire). As disgusting as it was for me to say this, he could've done what he did there. But he decided to go to NYC because it's the media capital of the world; apparently he wanted as much attention as possible. And since this post was written, he's got it.

Have a good time rotting in the pen (and hell), you pathetic, scrawny, cowardly racist pusscake son-of-a-bitch.

(Post based on )

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