Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trump Admin Releases New Federal Budget... It's a Goddamn Disgrace. | Serious Post

Americans, you now have another reason to hate your President (...and his administration too, but his name is bigger). President Trump released a new federal budget for the fiscal year of 2018, and of course it's a fucking trainwreck across the board. Many parts of the government's budget are receiving heavy cuts, with only a couple getting increases--our military defense spending and payment toward that fucking Wall.
Basically, if you're not rich, you are screwed beyond belief.
Besides The Donald rubberstamping this budget (and that it's still him in the Oval Office), several parts of cutting make me sick.

First, the one cut that will literally make me and the rest of us sick: a 31% deficit to the Environmental Protection Agency. It's been made clear that the Repubs find the EPA, it's long term mission and climate change old-fashioned hokum. They don't care that the Agency is actually keeping our air clean and worth a damn to keep us breathing; they care that it's costing the government green. So to finally get back at this, they choose to destroy that mission to help clean and beautify our environment. That'll show them! Seriously, this is a huge dick move: not only to the EPA, but also to all who breathe. If we don't have the EPA, our air will be covered in smog, our national parks will be covered in trash and sludge, and many of us will get sick and possibly dying. That's why we need to EPA to take us to the exact opposite.
Have you seen Willie Wimple as a kid? The Sesame Street segment shows us that not taking good care of our environment will end make our planet more of a disgusting destitute wasteland, just like what the Trump Administration wants it (whether intentionally or not).
And speaking of Sesame Street, the next to get cut is all $148 million for the National Endowment for the Arts and all $148 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities; and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which of course funds content for PBS and NPR. Without PBS, there's possibly no Newshour, no NOVA, no Frontline, no American Experience, no Great Performances and the other great PBS programs you knew and love for decades. It's so unfair. Also unfair is less NPR; with our fave programs such as Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Fresh Air and many others that will be affected. People who need and love intelligent and engaging content will sadly have to go somewhere else for it. and without the NEH, there is no funding towards great performances and showings of art projects and performances, as well as the creation and development of such, which is an important piece of our culture and history. Without it, most Americans won't have the high-brow, beautiful entertainment the love and live for, which is terrible.
So heartbroken for the people of the arts and humanities.
Next is the Agriculture Department with a 21% snip, with cuts to rural development and research, and other programs. A shame to those who worked very hard to bring new developments to how we make or gather our food. Fortunately, there a light at the tunnel; no or minimal cuts will be made to the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (or SNAP), so for those with food stamps, you're good for the long run.
The Education Department also gets some devastating deficits, including cuts in after-school programs, summer programs, teacher training and work-study credits to college students, while there's increases in charter school and a private school program.
I have a damn good feeling Betsy DreadVos has something to do with it. I knew the kids of the future (and their families) will suffer from these cuts (I wrote a post on that last month).
My advice? Homeschooling.
The Health & Human Services also gets damning cuts, with an 18% deficit coming its way. Medicare and Medicaid will be messed with hugely, with funding for the National Institutes of Health and health professional training also getting decreased. Man, Republicans love fucking poorer people over when it comes to Healthcare. There is an increase of funding towards crackdowns in opioid addictions, but this is just the government's fairy-tale for something that isn't that horrible. It's horrible but not that so.
What is horrible, is the cut to Meals on Wheels, which some people (especially the elderly) who can't afford meals regularly depend on every day. With it, they have access to good meals cooked by people who care. And now, thanks to the man and his group who clearly don't care about them, they're taking it away, and the best they can afford now is their tap water and possible crappy $1 TV dinners. God forbid they resort to cat food. Euughh..
Other alarming cuts include those in the Departments of Commerce, Infrastructure, Housing & Urban Development, Interior (national parks & historical sites), Transportation, Labor, NASA and Justice and many more; while there's an increase to Homeland Security, VA (which is actually good) and our Military (which is the richest in the world already). To read up on those cuts and charges, the info is at this article from the Washington Post.

And if you still think changes will come in a good way, you are a lost cause who desperately need to smell Killer Mike's version of coffee
("Top o' the mornin'/
My fist to yo' face is fuckin' Folgers").
All of the things we need to live on and survive will be severely cut in this and next year. Deal with that.

To all you people who voted for you go. There it is.
This is what you signed up for. I...cannot understand why you all voted for him anymore, especially if you knew this is what he'd plan to implement throughout his term. If you look at this budget or what reports in the news and act genuinely shocked by what you hear or see, I'm just gonna react like this.
To the elderly who voted for him, you help create the demise of some things you probably/definitely needed, I feel sorry for you, but not sorry enough to feel for you after voting for Human Cheeto-in-Chief.

So basically, anything that'll make us healthy, fed and/or smart and interested will be cut. This says so much to me about this government and Donnie's administration that I haven't before, like if Trump and his cronies hate the fact that some of us are smarter than they are and/or intimidated by some of us (despite have all the means and resources in the damn world to educate themselves, and the jobs that prove it), so they have to resort to cutting funding for some of these programs to make us as stupid as they are, yet malnourished and strapped for anything we can muster for a little while. Half of these programs planned to be cut aren't even causing spending problems; they are only about <5 b="" budget.="" but="" cause="" causes="" change="" changes="" it="" nbsp="" nothing="" of="" the="" these="" to="" will="">huge
huge devastation across the country. And no, I'm not saying this believing that Trump is going to make these cuts law while this hasn't happened yet. I know this will happen, because, knowing Trump, he's going to do what he said all throughout his campaign or what he wouldn't say, but is lying and is going to do anyway. Trump is continuing to please his donors and rich-as-fuck friends, by destroying our country from the inside-out and outside -in (hell, even in between), and they don't care. Everyone who isn't them is going to suffer in a real-life purgatory while they are enjoying their rich-as-fuck lives as if nothing has changed.
This is why I'm done with politics, politicians, and the scandals and dirty tricks they come with. I'm now a registered Independent, and I ask for many of you to help fight the Establishment and Government to stop these changes and restore our nation to what it is now or even much better.
We can't deal with this shit anymore, and it's time we say so.
This budget is shit and is going to ruin our country.
Thanks, Trump!

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