Thursday, August 10, 2017

Pat Robertson Believes Eric Bolling Isn't Sexually Harassing Because "He's a Good Catholic"

Oh really Pat?
Pat Robertson is (sadly) well-known as the host of The 700 Club; and on that show, he gives commentary on some of the big news of the day and/or answers questions from viewers about the personal problems in their lives. His comments/"answers" imply make obvious he's simply not with the times. If anything, it seems he memorizes the Holy Bible for the answers like Eminem memorizes the Dictionary for knowledge and to start up his rap career (look it up). For a more recent example, enter the recent (and latest) sexual harassment scandal involving a Fox News Channel host--Eric Bolling. This hit off last week, and Robertson decided to defend Bolling with this statement.

"He was a good Catholic?" Again...Oh really Pat?

I got some questions for you, old oaf.
Have you remembered the many news articles, court cases, TV reports and public damnations across decades about Catholic priests committing sexual assault and abuse on young boys within the Catholic church? I'm sure pretty much everyone did. I'm sure-as-shit I did. There have been about at least one or two or ten of these stories almost every year, and those couldn't have been ignored--even by people literally under a rock. You probably haven't (whether forced ignorance or an actual old age thing).

Remember Spotlight? That was based on the 2000 Boston Church Abuse Scandal.
Remember Sinead O'Connor's infamous 1992 performance on Saturday Night Live? Where she ended it with her ripping a picture of Pope John Paul II--calling either him or the Catholic church "the real enemy"? (Turns out she was right all along.)

Eric Bolling may be a model Catholic to you, Pat Robertson, but to me--and a lot of people, he's a piece-of-crap cable news "journalist". He's sexist, he's a little racist, he doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time (or he does and just pretends not to to pander to his idiotic viewer base), and every time he opens his mouth, it almost truly feels like I'm smelling excrement through my speakers. And this scandal just made Mr. Yuck-Mouth here even more punchable.

Now, the article in question that brought down Bolling from his Fox News job (temporarily at least) is this article from HuffPost reporter Yashar Ali, who writes that, several years ago, Bolling had sent text messages of his genitals to several of his female co-workers at the company. This didn't surprise me because of what we learned of and knew before (I have posts on that as well), but the fact that all this kept on mounting and mounting did (although just barely).

One of the women in the center of this is Caroline Heldman, a Fox contributor who came forward to HuffPost with her side of the scandal, and later revealed in a very detailed post on Facebook just how Bolling allegedly sexually harassed her.

This post laid a few pretty heavy accusations, and the links to videos and articles are really good proof. That would be a bold shocking claim that would surprise me (well, barely) if it alone happened years ago. And that should be great evidence to show Fox News as a horny, salacious sexism wasteland.
But since we already knew of that beforehand, it seems just enough alone to take interest into this situation.

But thanks to the sexual harassment scandals involving former boss Roger Ailes and former on-air co-worker Bill O'Reilly (and we all know what happened to them respectively), and since we've all known about the nasty environment at Fox for YEARS, this has been the automatic conclusion for a lot of people. Whenever a woman claims an on-air host did something sexual to them, best believe a lot of people will immediately find him guilty, and for good reason.

I would say we should listen to both sides and see more concrete evidence; but I don't like the guy any, and his words are like snake venom mixed with anthrax--something that'll make you sick so easily and so bad you'll beg to put down out of your misery. You'd be lucky to survive it barely unscathed (yeah, I'm overreacting. sue me. Uhh--no, not you, Bolling. I didn't post an article about your dick pics, now did I?)
To tie this in, I'd like to talk a bit about the co-head of Fox News: The network and company are currently run by James and Lachlan Murdoch, the CEO and Executive Co-Chairman (respectively) of 21st Century Fox--and sons of the company's founder and other Executive Co-Chairman Rupert Murdoch. When they took over the company, they wanted to change around the network and its DNA (from what I've heard) from the Conservative TV powerhouse to a more bipartisan rolling news network with more professional, knowledgeable, classy personalities. And they're not playing around when it comes to its hosts doing out-of-studio things. Like O'Wife-Beater beating off to the voice of a co-worker or Ailes forcing himself on prospective women underlings or forcing them on himself, or former president Bill Shine doing something similar, they are not going to front a company known for sleazy horndogs running around being Glenn Quagmire Jr. to their female counterparts. They want a ship-shape news operation where reporters and anchors treat other with respect while also giving cutthroat interviews with news-makers and shakers (mostly "liberals").

I don't like Eric Bolling one bit. On-air he's a sexist near-dimwitted douche, and his antics on-air could prove him as something of a wandering-eye sleazebag with the dick-pic text scandal. And I really think he should lose his job at Fox News from these accusations alone. But if he was proven true in this case, then I'd give him credit for fighting to keep the innocence of his name and image (a not-that-good name and a very on-the-surface sleazy image, no doubt) and doing so successfully. Sure, I'd feel like drinking half a gallon of bleach soon after that, but still.

And speaking again of overreaction, then there's the fact that, a couple days later, Bolling later went and sued Yashar--making me think his pride and ego were bruised; so he goes and does what he knows best as a conservative well-versed in business: legal action.

That really tells me there he really did commit harassment and that he's guilty of it. Yeah, let's just sue the guy because of something about you that holds weight and is sensible. Hey, it worked for Orange. Fortunately, Yashar Ali didn't take this lying down and responded to Bolling lawsuit, saying it's not gonna screw him over.

And back to Pat Robertson here, this decrepit ass dimwit of a televangelist is one of the biggest spectacular bafflings I've still seen today. He's still around, still hosting The 700 Club , and saying some of the most hypocritical, questionable, confusing, ancient and/or straight-up dumb statements that some people just take in as gospel. This is one of MANY examples. If you want to look at more, there are hundreds of examples on YouTube alone. Go to The Young Turks or Secular Talk or many other news/opinion channels there; and you have a smorgasbord of his bullcrap to pick apart and end up bewildered by. I can't stand this man, and I hope (hold on, not what you think) that he retires and spends the rest of his life resting and relaxing, and no longer speaking his so old-fashioned-it's-criminal mind.

I'm sure I'll update you when more news comes in so, we'll see...

And here I am with an UPDATE!!


The announcement was made earlier today via these articles from Variety and...yep, HuffPost Also, his show The Fox News "Specialists" has been cancelled.
Good riddence! He got what he deserved, and I know his panel show was garbage just from Kennedy's "We're All Gonna Die" statement about the American Healthcare squabble. I'm glad it's been axed because more deserving Fox hosts need more timeslots, especially the one I like.

I just have a feeling it'll go to Tomi Lahren... Aww, cheese.

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