Tuesday, May 06, 2014

#MM: Creep Kicks Cat Like a Football

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, another example of humans being inhumane.
In the Stuyvesant Heights section of Brooklyn, New York, this dude here decides the have fun at the expense of a cat, by kicking it like a fucking football and watching the feline fly 20 feet before it lands in front of a bush. Then the jackass, 21-year-old Andre Robinson, laughs like it was funny, and starts dancing like he just made a game-winning punt at the Super Bowl. The person who taped the video also laughs along. According to some residents of the Brevoort Houses, the apartment building where Robinson lives, says the cat frequently visited the building for food. And Robinson just so happened to wait outside for a food delivery, when the pretty kitty made its appearance. The video was posted on Facebook, but it was largely negatively received by people who saw it; the image later went viral hours later and as of posting this, is still viral. Robinson admitted days later to the bad deed to New York cops, who were looking for him after the vid gained notoriety. He was arrested and arraigned Monday without bail. He is now soon to be charged with (probably) animal cruelty charges.

WARNING: The video starts immediately. And it is disturbing.

This is human indecency (currently) at its finest. His mother claims he was high when it happened. I don't buy t, and she shouldn't let him smoke drugs. The dude didn't care that he kicked a cat; he just sadly did it because he wanted something to do. I think it was really stupid, but the fact that it blown up like that just baffles me. Yes, in a post-social media world, this video, and videos like this get more attention than what should, like Crimea or the Nigerian girls that got kidnapped by terrorists because they have a damn education. In fact, from this video as seen on WABC, some passersby who saw the video by the reporter said the video isn't much of a big deal when taken into context (as in "there are worse things in the world going on right now". The guy at the end really said it best. Like, "better than New York government" best. Take a look:

The guy deserves to be arrested for this, though, especially because of his record. He's been arrested eight times before for the crimes he committed, including one for knifepoint robbery, one for aggravated animal cruelty and another for...oohhh--jumping a turnstile. (Oh no! Not that! Nothing but that! Oh why!?) I bet he was high for them, too. Anyway, after this mess-up, this nut should stop getting into doing crimes...because animal cruelty (and being stupid) is disgusting and an embarrassment.

If only stupidity and indecency were a crime...

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