Friday, June 19, 2015

Funday Friday: #35--Young Blind Singer Inspires at NBA Finals Finale

She is blind and has cerebral palsy. But that didn't stop her from being the big moment of the second-biggest Championship series in professional sports, and being one of the hottest topic on all of Social Media this week.

This is Marlana VanHoose. She's only 19 years old. Despite her illnesses, she is an aspiring singer, and chose the gig of sing The Star Spangled Banner at games of the Cleveland Cavaliers. And performing the iconic song of the US of A during one of the highest-rated sports telecast in television history. She sang the National Anthem at Game 6 (and the finale) of the 2015 NBA Finals, and without getting into specifics, she knocked it out of the park. Here's the video:

She may have cerebral palsy and is blind, but she just wouldn't let those things make her determination dwindle and die. She just lets her singing career continue.
Great job, Marlana. Even though you can't read this, I know you canwill be great at what you do. Congrats on the success and what will come for you next.

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