Friday, June 26, 2015

Funday Friday: #38--Just Married!...Finally - Gay Marriage Now Legal in the U.S.

Happy Funday Friday, everybody.

And today is very happy indeed. Because today, couples of the same sex can get the legal go-ahead to get married. Even better, they don't have to move to another state! The United States Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 in favor of striking down a law banning gay marriage in the U.S., making it legal for any and all couples in any and all states to tie the knot. And it's all thanks to Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote that plaintiffs looking over the ruling, to "ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law, and the Constitution gave them that right." 13 states previously banned same-sex marriage, but after this ruling, will now renege on their laws.

President Barack Obama called this ruling "a victory for America". And I agree wholeheartedly. It goes without saying that this decision is a landmark, not only in the history of the Supreme Court, but also in the history of America. It took years for gay marriage to be legal in the US, but now that it is, I feel the this nation is in a much better and stronger state than it has been in a long time.

Now, this is coming from the mind of a Liberal, but when I heard the news on Tv, I was elated, because I believe that guys are just as human and a part of society as heterosexual couples and people are. I don't see a person defined by their sexuality. I define them by their actions. It's what they do that defines them in life, not who they do. And this nonsense that they had to endure for the past few decades is horrible, so I'm glad that all of the crap they had to go through has finally gone away. It was a really slow ride, but they've finally made it. And as an American, I'm proud for that.

And another thing, the Americans (mostly Republicans) who have opposed this ruling and the acceptance and existence of Gays, it's fine that you have gone against all of this, but it is sad to see such backwards thinking on display. I do respect your opinions, though. sadly.
Anyway, jolly good for the most members of the LGBT community. This ruling was decades in the making, and it was fully deserved. I'm ecstatic to see all of you finally being fully integrated with the rest of America, and that we all can now stand tall as the members of a wonderful progressive country, the United States of America. God bless you all. God bless the Supreme Court. God bless Justice Anthony Kennedy. God bless the USA.


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