Thursday, July 03, 2014

"Clarence" Creator Fired at CN Studios for Being a Perv

Hey everyone.

Okay, there's this show on Cartoon Network called Clarence. It's about this happy, excited and sweet little guy named--well, Clarence. The series created by Skyler Page, features Clarence's daily adventures with his friends and his mother.
He is voiced by series creator Skyler Page. The reason I'm saying this is because Page has been accused of sexual assault by many female co-workers at Cartoon Network Studios. Because of these allegations, Page has been forced out at CNS, leaving his show in limbo and the voice of the character he created silent.

The details are found in this exclusive article at

Okay. This one is a little serious for me and I apologize if I go a little Helen Lovejoy, but this is how I feel about it.
This news just came out of nowhere these past few days, after I began to enjoy the show, even though I haven’t watched in weeks. There were posts of disgust from people on Twitter and all have been retweeted by one of my personal followers. You know what? I'll tell you this first. I hear this all the time in music, and any time I hear of cases of sexual assault in the real world, I get two scenarios:
1) I shouldn't be surprised because men can be total pigs sometimes.
2) Whoever is accused of these crimes should be arrested if these are true.

But with all of these allegations popping up, stories of past contacts of Page said by those who claim it happened, and tweets of said allegations, calling Page "a piece of shit", and hope this never happens in the future, I believe that Page has a lot of explaining to do. I don't like people who are sexually aggressive and/or abusive to others. Using woman as just sexual objects is wrong. Just because they have vaginas and tits, doesn't mean you can use those things. Women have many other talents. Men thinking women belong on Earth to freak and breed children are disgusting creatures and bigamists.
Also, from what I heard, using a mental illness as a cover-up for these sexual assault escapades is not only wrong, but makes things even worse. And this revelation makes me downright pissed, because as a person who has a mental illness, feel very disgusted and insulted! And because of this, even if he has one, I have reached a level of disgust with this dude. Just because you have a mental illness, you shouldn't use it to your advantage. People will not judge you that way, especially after the horrible rash of shooting in this country these past decade. The killers had mental illnesses!!

I hope this dude gets some help, because this is no laughing matter. And I've watched his show Clarence. It's a really good and very enjoyable show, and I really enjoy the antics of the title character, which so happens to be voiced by Page himself. And now, after this, I can never watch Clarence the same anymore, especially because Page voices him.
Also, I want to give major props to the women who publically spoke about the assaults he committed on them. It takes guts and bravery to stand up to the attacker and open up about it, especially these days with social media. Although going to social media instead of going to the police was not a good move. Telling potentially hundreds of thousands of strangers about your personal life first, instead of law enforcement, isn't going to do you any good. I am very proud of the women who want this fucking guy away from them as possible. And the people who used to work with him, but quit because of his assholish behavior should be applauded too. Especially Patrick Harpin, former Head of Story of Clarence and close friend of Page. He wrote this personal post on his tumblr page:

This is one reason I'm--disgusted, to say the least--that I am a man.
Also, Cartoon network has a lot of money to spend now that an ad for Clarence has popped up. Talk about poor timing, if you know what I'm CN.

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