Monday, July 28, 2014

#RisingStar Weekly Review Ep 6: The Du-els Part 3--The Honor of Rolf's Ancestors Has Been Restored!

Hey, everybody. Du-els continued. And...I feel more frustrated than last week.
In our first Du-el of the week, it’s Morgan Higgins vs. Maneepat Malloy.
First up, Morgan performs Lady Gaga’s “The Edge of Glory”. Okay, Morgan was kinda terrible. She sounded good at parts, but I heard screeching that would make Screech from Saved by the Bell irritated. Plus, I thought she sounded like she was talking more than singing. The only good parts was when she held notes; that’s the part when she seemed on-key. Kesha tapped Yes (of course) and Luda tapped out (of course). She reached 45%.

Next, Maneepat sang “Gravity” by Sara Bareilles. Right from the start, she was better than Morgan. Her voice was soothing and calm but perfectly on key. Plus her hold-in in the middle of the performance was amazing. She deserves to go through because her voice and the song choice just meshed perfectly. Unicorn Tears and Mr. Shutthehellup tapped Yes, while Venison Jerky tapped No, saying she has done better and needs to do better.

Next Du-el, Shameia Crawford vs. Unselfish (?)
Shameia Crawford was up first, singing “Cry Me a River” by Ella Fitzgerald. Right off the gate, she was amazing. I loved her voice and the arrangement. I heard bits of Ms. Fitzgerald and Kelly Rowland in her voice and the stage presence was different than what I’ve seen. At %, she deserved to go through, unlike her short-time rivals.

They are Unselfish, the group that previously appeared in the Wall auditions. They were terrible then, and they’re still terrible, by performing my partial-namesake Maroon 5’s “Payphone”. Out of the gate, they were frustrating. The one singing the chorus sucked the blue off of mailboxes and it did get
Kesha says she’s “Not a Dream Crusher”. And that’s fine; she also was aware that the performance wasn’t good. But she feels okay to give them an “Upvote” anyway. I don’t know her deal about things, but it’s getting straight-up annoying. Paula Abdul did have a similar behavior at the start of Idol but at least she had perfect constructive criticism.

Random Thoughts:
--Why did Unselfish go through to the Du-els instead of more deserved performers, like Colin Huntley? Well, since the comp. had an odd number of qualifiers, Unselfish got through due to combined E-Coast and W-Coast votes, and Colin didn’t. He wasn’t great, but was at least miles better than them. Both of their song-choices were bad ones, but Colin’s voice was great enough for me to love. So basically it wasn’t fair. It would’ve been nice to see him again.

Okay, final Du-el of the night (and the season, finally). Dana Williams vs. Audrey Kate Geiger.
They were both good, but Dana was the best.

--You know what? I was excited of this part of the season, to see qualifying contestants reach this far and give it their all for the shot of reaching the semi-finals. And almost all of them blew it (whether or not they actually make it through). And I’m really disappointed it this show. I was really happy for this round and somehow I left it dissatisfied. The only ones who actually gave it their all and make me proud were Shaneia Crawford, Austin French, Lisa Punch and Jesse Kinch, and it was pretty much expected for the latter to make it through. I think he takes it seriously, but not seriously enough to believe this is a real thing. I’m really believing this show is a true, pure joke. I seriously believe that. the overall enjoyability of this show has gone down to near-unbelievable levels.
I couldn’t wait to watch this show from the minute I saw the PR, and wanted to use the app as much as Madonna wanted to use dildo in the 90s. Then my hope for this show has begun to wane and my disgust for this show began to increase. Almost everything about it was frustrating: Kesha’s every other shitty thought, Brad half-assed critiques, Josh near-loopiness and quirkiness that might make even Wander a little annoyed and the hell-and-high-water horrible contestants that believe they can carry a note and actually went past the producers’ auditions, who are so tone-death, even William Hung wonders how the hell they got any of them to make it through. The only one that I believe gets it right each and every time is Ludacris; his critiques are perfect and on-point, he knows a good contestant when he sees one (well, most of the time) and I enjoy his side remarks without giving them second thoughts (Unicorn tears never gets any thoughts from me).

See ya next week.

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