Friday, February 06, 2015

Funday Friday: #5--The Best Super Bowl XLIX Ads

Happy Friday, everyone.
Welcome to Funday Friday, and I, Andrew, want to tell you, not every Super Bowl I hated a lot. There were some I totally liked a lot.

So I bring you my picks for the Best Ads from Super Bowl XLIX. In a particular order that is a Top 6. (And I'm not throwing in a best ad in there because a certain celebrity or surprise is in it. There's more to that to make the list)
But first here are some Honorable Mentions.

Always--"Like A Girl"
Sure, you've heard this term used before as an insult, but to these girls, it doesn't mean more then doing certain things the best they can do it.

This is a very inspiring ad, teaching girls to be themselves; it's very good and powerful--although since this is an Always ad, it's also funny to watch this and not think "How do you hit like a girl?", but think "How do you pee like a girl?" or "How do you put on a tampon like a girl?" or "How do you wear a maxi-pad, or PMS or get a a girl?".


Okay, I'm kidding, it's this one, "Say My Name".

Yes, because Bryan Cranston returns in his role of Walter White. How'd you know?

Nissan--"With Dad"

Even though it's still an ad by a car company, this one really pulled at the heartstrings. A dad working as a race-car driver, but always makes sure his family is first. Even though his son may not believe it. This sure opened up my eyes.

Bud Lite--"Real Life Pac-Man"

I swear if this exists, I'll sell my kidney to play that. I'M NOT KIDDING. Seeing the guy play Pac-Man, it felt like I was there either in the crowd or doing the game. Hell, I'll drink Bud Lite for the rest of my life if this happens.

Coca-Cola--"Make It Happy"

Yeah, sure. Leaving a bottle of Coca-Cola in the world's Internet infrastructure is such a great idea. But yeah, if it can somehow make it a more positive place to live, than...I'm okay with it.
Okay, I'm a sucker for commercials with positive messages, so yeah, it's here. And I love the message.
Screw the fact that buying and/or drinking Coca-Cola can make the world happier, and pouring some into the entire World's Internet server can make it happier. It's all about the positive. Speaking of positive...
Here are the Top 6 Ads!!

6) Loctite Glue--"Positive Feelings"
I don't know which is better: this product or average-looking people with a great sense of humor dancing awkward.

I'm going with average-looking people with a great sense of humor dancing awkward. Not because it's funny, but because it's cool. But I'll admit, it was funny too.

5) Dodge--"Wisdom"
"Don't bitch." Something we all should all live by

Elderly people telling us "youngsters" about how to live a good life...and how to live it to the fullest. I LOVE IT!!

4)"Official SBA/Help End Domestic Violence"

It was really bold for a company to do an ad for combating domestic violence, but if it was going to air during a major-televised sporting event, I'd say "Well Done", "Great Job" and "You're a Genius". It's a serious ad, but it really did help in stopping such a horrible thing like domestic violence. And the message is wide open, so that people can understand it and not get shocked by it. If only someone else knew this.
I wish there would be more of these ads, as this thing will not go away easy. (Maybe the NBA Finals can help.)

3) Snickers--"Brady Bunch Spoof"

I always lose it when Carol Brady says "Marcia, eat a Snickers". Also, the appearances of Danny Trejo as Marcia and Steve Buscemi as "Jan" made this SBA perfect. In fact, everything was perfect: the stunt doubles used for Carol and Mike Brady, the audio and visual effects for the ad, and the perfect use of green screen placement (especially when Buscemi is running out of the room, it's like he's running out in the actual Brady house hallway.) All-in-all, perfect genius ad.

2) Fiat--"500X/Blue Pill"
A man is planning to get busy with a lady friend, and was about to use the blue pill to get him hard, but after a little misdirection with popping it, and a lot of bouncing...well, you saw it, just check it out.

This was a surprisingly genius (and surprisingly hilarious) ad. A blue pill making a small car bigger. And you would think the projectile falling around would be filler here, but I think it helped out a lot here. You think it would land in someone's cup or in their mouth, but no, it ended up in someone's car. My god, this ad.

1) Budweiser -- "Puppy Love 2: Lost Dog"
Come on, we all knew this is happening.

Even if Budweiser continues this storyline until it gets annoying, I'll still love it.
Everything here is beautiful. The acting chemistry and bond between the Clydesdale and Puppy (I honestly never thought there was any in two animals, let alone different ones) was truly and strongly effervescent. It still shows the two Buds are still great friends and love hanging out together; no matter where one goes, the other will follow. The part near the end when the Puppy runs back home, but is cornered by wolves really scared me. But his friends in the other Clydesdales (or the Clydes Crew, in my words) has his back. It's a wonderful sight. And the two pals are together again.

This was emotional, powerful and awesome. The people at the Budweiser ad department knew what they were doing, continually making this ad franchise with the Clydesdales a winning tradition with the Super Bowl and its viewers. It's brilliant, and it will tickle you in the feels.
I LOVE THIS AD SO MUCH and it's my favorite of them all.
And it's my pick for the Best Ad of Super Bowl XLIX

And there they are--my picks for the best Ads from Super Bowl XLIX. What are your favorite ads, let me know in the comments section. I'd love to see your faves.
Thanks for joining me for another Funday Friday. Have a good weekend.

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