Friday, March 20, 2015

Funday Friday: #12--Don't Mess with a NewsWoman

Hey, everyone.
As another Funday Friday reaches it's dusk, we all should be reminded of something, especially us men. DON'T MESS WITH WOMEN.

On a broadcast on Al Jadeed TV in Lebanon, host Rima Karaki talked with guest Sheik Hani al-Seba'i on his thoughts on the possibility of Christians joining the Islamic State group, the extremist group that has captured large parts of Iraq and Syria and is known for recruiting foreign fighters. Al-Seba'i, who reportedly fled to the U.K. after he was sentenced to prison for joining the Egyptian Islamic Jihad group, launched into a historical tangent on Christians joining Islamic groups.
After Karaski told him that, because of time constraints (it's a live program), they have to quickly continue the interview, al-Seba'i brutally went on the offensive. This would be a big mistake, as shown when Ms. Karaski hit back HARD.

Isn't that awesome?
Al-Seba'i, if you are a sheik, you should make a responsible and respected tone, and treat people the way you should be treated.
Good for Ms. Karaki for speaking up to him and taking him down a peg. Even if she did interrupt him (and that may be rude depending on your view), that was damn disrespectful of him to tell her to shut up and that she's beneath him. No woman is beneath a man; both genders should be equal. I'm glad she spoke up, or else she would've regretted not doing so, and Seba'i would've gotten away with a jerkass move, and sheiks shouldn't be known for jerkass moves.

Great job, Rima Karaki. Sheik job, Sheik Hani al-Seba'i. (And by that, I mean "shit".)

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