Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Short/Long Music Review: 7/11

At first, you think this is a song about the joys of going to the convenience store for your favorite snacks, coffee, and quick fixes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But then you notice Beyoncé's name...and of course, that thought's thrown out the window.

The song we're treading through today is "7/11". A song about dancing, drinking, throwing your hands in the air and slapping legs in the air? Either this is one of the hundreds of party-party songs made this decade alone, or one about what goes down at church.

It's like subliminal messaging telling you to party like an babbling idiot.

Seriously?!? 2 people wrote this shit!?! Of all the songs that Beyoncé could make to represent the fact that Beyoncé doesn't hire 7-8 people to write songs all the time, why this??
This song is freaking repetitive; just some lyrics repeating over and over!! And that trap beat. My God, I hate trap music; not involving lyrics, but just the beat. I hate trap beats with a burning passion. And thanks to this song, I hate them even more. I'm not surprised Beyoncé can write something by herself or with one or a couple more people, but since she co-wrote this trite...I...I can't.

Why is this popular? Seriously, why??! Because fuck people who like complex music, that's why!! This song is shit, and we should know that it's shit, yet many people love it. Sure, we can like songs about having fun and partying once in a while (I'm fine with that and I'm all for it), but if I have to listen to another song telling me about someone putting their hands in the air, and their shoulders sideways (how the hell do you do that?!) and moving their legs around, I will shoot people.
That's if I don't have the grounds to shoot myself.
Songs like this disgust me. Just simple, banal and pygmy lyrics that everyone can have the short time to remember, crap-ass beats that just blare hard noise and droopy choppy sounds at you from every angle, and that all of this goes on for over 3 minutes. And of course, they all get popular because of these reasons.
And I can't stand shit like that.

On the other hand, the music video is absolutely good. It features Beyoncé dancing in random places (some by herself, some with dancers), and it's really fun and vibrant. This is a complete contrast from the videos of the era of her self-titled album, and I enjoyed it a lot. No extravagance, no overblown sophistication, no expenses, NO SEX. Just people dancing in a small environment and nothing else. And that's a good thing.

After this review, I plan on never listening to this song ever again. It's not only bad, it's stupid, and just challenges your intelligence every time...and wins. I cannot, for the life of me, understand everything about this track. All I can say about this is: I'm so glad this is not a true-blue single.


I know it's not possible to make a bad song automatically by hiring this many people to compose it, but it's a good one automatically either. So if this is what music is now, with loud bass, brain-throbbing beats and crap lyrics and terrible vocals...then I was wrong. I guess Beck IS better than Beyoncé.

Check back next month for another SLMR. Until next time...I need to find another convenience store chain to shop at for a while.

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