Friday, June 21, 2013

Man Threatens Sister's Life Because He Wants J. Cole to Notice Him

You know, guys, this also had my jaw dropping too. And yes, you read right. Some crazy nutcase wants to kill his own sister if rapper J. Cole didn't retweet a tweet of him buying a copy of Cole's album Born Sinner. Here's the deets:
The asshole named @_TzC_ thought it was a great idea to take a picture of himself holding a gun toward his little sister and tweet it with this caption (and I quote): "@JColeNC retweet me and I'll buy Born Sinner. Don't retweet me and I'll kill my lil sister ȁd" . That would seem like a genius idea, right? Of course...IF YOU'RE A F*CKING PSYCHOPATH!!!

I don't know if he thought this is funny or worth a look at, but this is just sick. To get attention by making a tweet stating you'll kill your relative if a famous celebrity didn't retweet it really makes you a scumbag. A dirty, sleazy, rotten, disgusting scumbag. Twitter would later delete his account for good.

J. Cole later did retweet the tweet with this tweet:
Understandably, he may have been shocked at seeing this and wanted the poor girl's life to be okay. If he could believe it. Also some people that the tweet was for getting attention and called out Cole for believing it and retweeting. One of the people, @ItsMrKingz, sent out this:

Hey, it's not J. Cole's fault some dumbass wanted to get noticed this way and it's not his fault that he was worried about the girl. Maybe he knew this was some asshat who wanted attention and wanted everyone to see it, or maybe not. You can't blame him for that. It should be the idiot's fault.
And if that wasn't enough, the moron would make these statements on Facebook:
And then he makes this:
"Um...Johnnie Cochran is DEAD, dumbass!", is what I said.

Anyway, he should be lucky he's not in prison for this crap. They should lock him up for 20+ years for assault and battery, attempted murder, endangering the welfare of a child, and simply being an idiot. As for the little girl, feel very sorry for her. To be related to...that is just wow. And J. Cole, don't fall for bullcrap. You're better than that.

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