Monday, June 24, 2013

Taylor Swift's Fans: We Knew A&F Was Trouble

I know this me condescending to this kind of nonsense, but I have to. I gotta keep this blog.\

As you know, I ripped into Abercrombie and Fitch previously for their decision to stop making clothes for plus-sized women customers. This decision was because its CEO wanted to appeal to "the cool kids" This rip is well-deserved. But this post is completely different.
You see, A&F began selling a shirt for female customers that said this quote: "# more boyfriends than T.S.", the T.S. initials obviously being Taylor Swift. Apparently, this shirt became a hot topic online, yet I found this as funny as Phineas and Ferb The Movie. And Phineas and Ferb The Movie was extremely funny. And everyone else did too, most definitely because of Taylor Swift's well-know horrible love life and how she turns them into hit songs. This always becomes a big topic for comedians, talk show hosts and basically everyone else to yuk about. Since then, everyone has made this into a laugh fest.

But at the other end of the spectrum, a few hundred thousand people did not find this funny. At all. Who are these people, you ask? Swift's fans, who else? Apparently they found this so offensive that they began to curse A&F for being the horrible, sick, Devil-run company it is and began to boycott its stores for selling the shirt. They even took to social media to stop the sales of it, creating a petition on and called the service line to complain. One of them made a video about complaining to the service line.
Surprisingly, they even won this ensuing "war" between them and the company. So the shirt isn't sold anymore and the Swifties can call this a victory as they go tell their leader Torson about it on the planet Swork and once and again profess their love for their leader, once and again annoyed by this.

Seriously, can they take a joke? It is true that Taylor Swift has dated a few famous men, broke up with them, and wrote songs with this as if she's the victim, and they will feel sorry for her her and comfort her by covering her songs on YouTube, making fan art and doing their damnest to make her notice. But even they know that Taylor Swift sucks at finding the right guy, and making only songs about breaking up and falling in love with some random guy is just annoying. And what's even more annoying, at least to me, is the fact that they find anyone (or anything) criticizing her and defend her by shooting them down as if she means more to them than their own lives or eating, when in reality, Taylor Swift doesn't give a jack sh!t about them, only sees them as walking potentials of being rich, and her record label will do anything to make her record more songs for more exposure and (of course) more money. If she says she loves them, that's it; she loves them, but she doesn't really care about them.

It's kinda like the "Console Wars of 2013" except it doesn't matter who wins; both Microsoft and Sony win because you're spending hundred of dollars on something you don't really need, and when someone criticizes it, you somehow feel offended and must defend it, when Microsoft and Sony don't give a sweet f^ck about you, only your money. It's just like A&F and this shirt; they don't give a crap about Swifties, only their money and what they want to buy. They don't care who going to the store as long as they buy something. At least the girl with the YouTube video was a little aware of that, stating she still wouldn't want to shop there even after they took down the shirt.
And as for Abercrombie, don't be a pussy by taking down a certain shirt just because a few hundred thousand people don't like it. They're just Taylor Swift's fans; they don't really matter. And for every Taylor Swift fan, there's a Taylor Swift hater, and there are a lot more Taylor Swift haters out there who get the joke more and its value and would have loved to buy it. If only I were a woman.
Well, if you have a comment, send them down to to the comments section. And if you're a Swiftie, unload right now. I need the exposure. Until next time.

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