Monday, July 17, 2017

Star vs. The Forces of Evil Review 2: Episode 2 -- "Mr. Candle Cares / Red Belt"

Hola, amigos!
Welcome back to Star vs. The Forces of Evil Review 2!
We're like The Krusty Krab 2, but we don't exist for just one movie. Just one...much-longer, much-bigger...and possibly almost-as-funny...season.


So, pop in this cassette tape and let's begin with side A.

Well, welcome back, Tom!
It's been a while since we last saw you trapped in a block of ice back in "Blood Moon Ball". A very...embarr--I'm sorry, I'll stop. I don’t want to be trapped in a blaze of fire.
But seriously, he wants to break up our favorite ship of Starco...and...I'm conflicted. You remember last season when I said I hated ships and that I don't want Star and Marc to be in one because I like their dynamic as friends? You don't? Well (at one point)...I don't want Star and Marc to be in one because I like their dynamic as friends. And now...I do. And I hate it! ...but I want it so baaaaaaad.

And with that in mind, let's talk about...uhhh, a guidance counselor showing our favorite shipmates what their futures could be like...miles and dimensions apart.

Mr. Candle is the new guidance counselor at Echo Creek Academy, and his job—to help students reach their fullest potential with a place somewhere in the world of occupation—extends to Starco. His advice to Marco is to become a . While his for Star? BECOME QUEEN. While Marc later became pretty happy at his perspective link, Star becomes depressed at her link of become ruler of Mewni, something she's never wanted.
It was later revealed that Mr. Candle's plan for the ECA's students' future was a ruse by our favorite jealous (yet somehow handsome) demon Tom. He wants Starco to separate forever so he can have Star for himself (or so he still thinks). Marco did the smart idea of exposing Tom thanks to the latter's legendary fiery temper, even though the former ended up in his lair later on. Fortunately, he did have the compassion to convince him that Star will never get with him, and that letting her do what she wants for her sake would be a better option. And thank goodness he changed his mind, because it shows he really does care about Star enough to let her be happy (And that's super sweet). Also because this show wouldn't be the same without our dear old pal.
Star doesn't want to be queen. She wants to be her own thing, and that's great. Fortunately, Marco and Tom snap her out of it. Marc revealing that being queen can also a great thing, as Star can make, change or break the rules, and rule her own kingdom with an iron first. ...or with kitty gloves, a cloud purse and a spiked choker. Either way, Star would make a great queen and make Mewni much more progressive.

This was a real nice episode. Seeing Tom again was exciting (even though his plan wasn't so exciting), and his fight against Marc was simply hilarious (yeah, yeah, he was cheating; but still). And seeing Star so sad made me sad...but her change of rebellion look looked kickass. (I honestly also thought Star would know that being queen could make your own rules for your kingdom.

If only...


And now...flip over for side B.

So...Marco's having dreams of what to do for his future. He wants to meet up with friends, date Jackie Lynn, and of course—upgrade from the green belt. I think we can relate to that. Not the green belt thing, cause damn. We all have dreams and aspirations in our young lives to be who we dream to be. So it's great to see this aspect of teenage life in this episode. For him to have the confidence and go get his red belt had me delighted, even if Sensei – had him do his chores at first.

And at first, I thought these scenes were of a Karate Kid, "Wax On, Wax Off", Use-the-chopsticks-to-catch-a-fly, Mr. Myagi-type thing. But then I thought "Maybe, they're not doing it so Marco will get his red belt. Maybe they're just doing it to mess with him, and he won't get it." Boy, was I happy to be wrong.
Then it's revealed that Sensei wouldn't give Marc his upgrade because...he never got his red belt either. And he still lives with his parents. And his bedroom is creepily similar to Marco's. After laughing and feeling creeped out a bit, I realize that even as an adult it can be very hard to choose what you want to do, and I felt really sad for him (well...after feeling sad at him).
This half was all over the place.
I felt:
-Happy for Marc getting his red belt,
-Sad for him getting brushed off at first,
-Amused at the "Clip On, Clip Off" practice
-Disgusted by the "Clip On, Clip Off" practice
-Sad for Sensei also not getting a red belt (at first)
-Amused at glimpse of his life; his 38-year-old ass looking more childish than 14-year-old Marco
-Disappointed in him for using a video tape
-Happy he got HIS red belt.
This half-episode gave Sensei some development as more than a smart, resourceful, well-taught karate instructor. He can also be pretty much Marco as an adult, but much more childish and dorky. And as weird as it is, it's really nice he got more dimension to his character.

Now that he finally has his red belt, I really didn't think the writers or producers would hold that character trait for very long. Then again, I forgot about the karate belt trait, since lots of other things have been on mind since the last time in Season 1 Marc wore his karate uniform. But this is a great progression of his character; as he is now at the top and kick ass even harder, better faster, stronger.
(Yep, from a great rap song.)

Random Thoughts:
--Seeing him take toenails, toilet water and flies to the eyes was disgusting as it was (a little) funny. But for a red belt, I guess it was definitely worth it.
--Huh. The fat guy is actually impossibly fit...and tall. That came out of left field. And for a guy like him, his karate skills are on point. I guess he watched that red belt tape. That would explain so much.
--When first watching this halfer, I didn’t care much for Star's sub-plot. I later realized halfway through while admiring Marc's subplot, that was that this was the point. Boy, am I a dick.
--While I'm not as good at karate, I still wish I could pop a wheelie like Sensei did.

Fave Moments:
--Marc's nightmare
--When both Marco and Sensei receive their red belts
--Their fight against the oddly physique-d but amazingly-fit video store proprietor.
--Sensei's popping wheelies.
--Sensei's Mom (she's so sweet)

Well, that's it for edition #2.
Tune in tomorrow for Episode 3--oh wait. I've already did that. In fact, this episode was glossed over for the following episodes because I missed the deadline and post date to post the next ones on the dates corresponding to their numbers. Sorry for that. Hope this will tide over any questions about it.

Also from now on--because episodes were originally aired out of order or one half a day, I'll air them as I usually do--two per review, according to production order. That's in case you're wondering why I'm reviewing them differently. ...or if you care.

See you tomorrow for my review of Episode 14...

See you then.

For now, I'm Andrew, saying
"Reach for the Star, and Keep Looking Up! your [PC] screen"

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