Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Star vs. The Forces of Evil Review 2: Episode 4 -- "Star vs. Echo Creek / Wand to Wand"

Konnichiwa, Tomodachi-sans! Rebyū e yōkoso!
(Welcome to the Review!)

Another (seemingly) par-for-the-course discussion of a (seemingly) great episode.

Kicking it off…

In it, “Star goes on the run after accidentally crushing a police car“.

This episode was...ehhh...alright. I wasn’t exactly satisfied with what I saw, but there were some parts I did enjoy:
-Star creating then eating her sugar-rito (sugar on a burrito).
-Star meeting Brigid (even if her hair aspect was pointless to me).
-The underwater scene with the talking dragon.
-Marco looking hard for Star, showing his ever-growing care for her.

As for Brigid: as of posting this review, there’s a chance I won’t remember her. She’s so slow and odd. And, again, her grabbing hair aspect is pointless. Although, she was really nice--shown when she took in Star for a while, and has a really cool abode. Her aspect of also taking in other people’s hair was kinda gross (especially when we learned she uses it to make pancakes...).

Anyway, here is a better plot I would've enjoyed more:
Star breaks uses her wand/magic to make fireworks, and then breaks the cop car. After she learns what jail is like, she gets caught by someone who sees it happening, and they reprimand her for the crime. She then runs away, and starts to feel guilty (and I mean REALLY guilty), and then meets Brigid . Brigid later reveals to Star that she was once like our heroine--being a reckless, shameless recluse doing bad things, and her most major crime (revealed to also be involving a cop car being destroyed) got her to run away out of fear, but after seeing what, out of guilt, she convinces to turn herself in to police

Random Thoughts:
-Brigid, you do know that you can sell hair, too, right? You could make a lotta coin for all that. Weird to think of, but yeah.
-Here’s (possibly) a meta one for you.
Brigid, our one-shot of the week, is voiced by guest star Yvette Nicole Brown. She’s best known for classic roles on Drake & Josh, The Odd Couple and Community. Speaking on the latter series, notice the name of the taco shop at the start of the episode? It’s Britta’s Tacos, which brings to mind the hot and gutsy, yet ditzy and hungry character from that show, which Ms. Brown previously starred in! What a connection!
-I’m honestly delighted to see Star beginning to be more resourceful and aware with her powers and responsibility. It's still a long ways (and some relapses) to go, but she's trying now, and that's a good thing.

Fave Lines:
-”Food is anarchy, Gotta live by your own rules.” -Star
--Amen, sister!
-”Keep your sacrilege of my taco!” -Marco
-”Hey...My eyes are down here.” -Star (the lady was looking at her hair/band, I swear! Which is still kinda creepy, tho...)

Alright, moving on.


And now, ending it...on??

In it, “Star and Ludo struggle to get their new wands to work properly.”.

Holy Cheese… LUDO is BACK!!!

Okay, okay, okay...calm.

So, after the epic season 1 finale showdown and the season 2 premiere aftermath, our heroine and our major adversary both have a new Wand with half the power from Star’s original(?) Wand. And this halfer shows them dealing with how to work their altered extenders. As the ep continued, they begin to learn what makes them tick
(-pure anger towards some[thing/one] turns the glow green
-worrying and calm turns it pink and stops the craziness), and then use their lessons to work their wands much better. And it’s a fantastic watch--admittedly moreso with Ludo.
While Star’s sub was meh at first (my opinion, remember), it got more interesting--AND entertaining--when her lazy self got her one-shot roommate Cloudy to take care of the trash. His being in the episode was not only humbling to help Star realize more that it’s better to do things on your own (without help or using her Wand), but also hilarious--I’ll show why in my Random Thoughts in a moment. Their fight was pretty cool, as was to see Star begin to use her powers better on half speed.
And to end this one on Ludo now showing his alpha-male dominance at the rat trap (“Now...serve me some porridge.”) got me amped up, like licking on a D battery, but with a good feeling afterwards.
And with this, I’m more excited about what’s to come as this season progresses with both our favorite hero (ehh) and our favorite villain (yeah). Both will learn more about their Wands powers and how to use them better and I’m gonna enjoy it all much more.
I’m expecting a FIGHT at the end, and I will not be disappointed.

Random Thoughts:
-You don’t know how overjoyed I was to see Ludo in an episode again. And his new appearance was everything. Hipster beard, new much better stronger and powerful henchmen, simple-yet-more-threatening outfit (of a potato chip bag), more huskier, raspier and vulnerable voice (shout to VA Alan Tudyk for the kickbutt change in sound) and a brand-new half-power skeletal Wand (I’ll call it Skelbowtor; geddit? Like elbow meets Skeletor? [Oh my and my corny brilliance.])
-I love Cloudy. He’s such a ditzy dick. That scene of swinging around trash made me laugh so long and so hard. I don’t know why, it didn’t seem so hilarious. (Must have been the “Must be all that Iced Tea” line.)
-Hey, Glossy’s back too! Hmm, I guess Jeffrey Tambor wasn’t too busy with Transparent at the moment. Probably has to do with those Emmys.
-Just leaving this here…

Fave Lines:
-”Sure can. I guess princess hands are too delicate to touch garbage [chuckles]” -Cloudy
-”I don't know why I have so much energy today. Must be all that iced tea.” - Cloudy
--Heck, almost everything Cloudy said.
-”Now... serve me some porridge.” -:Ludo (that got me amped up)
(--’Extra sugar. And no lumps, bitch!’ -what I would’ve added. lel)

I thought Episode 4 was a great episode. I enjoyed the slight--but growing--character development, memorable one-liners, kickbutt fights and a sense that this season could only get better from here (at least that’s what I think).

Check back tomorrow where I review Episode 5 - “Starstruck” and “Camping Trip”. It’s gonna be mighty wooden.
See you tomorrow! I’m Andrew saying...
Reach for the Star, and Keep Looking Up! ...at your [computer] screen.”


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