Sunday, July 09, 2017

Star vs. The Forces of Evil Review 2: Episode 9 -- "Sleepover / Gift of the Card"

Hello, friends.

I am grateful for your continued presence on this segment. It means so much to see you spending time with--
I repeat…
sTaR hAs A cRuSh On MaRcO!!!


I’m sorry, I gotta go through the half-episode first.
Let’s begin this review with...

At first, I was going to enjoy at best the titular sleepover storyline. Some nice little laughs (especially at StarFan13 shoving and chomping down the brownies) and some humbling moments. But the “Truth or Punishments” game took interesting, exciting and entertaining up a notch. Seeing all these truths revealed (the girls' dislike of Star's brownies, their true crushes--Marco's especially) rocked me a bit, but that ending was like WO.

Speaking of true crushes, I expected the most surprising to be Marco, but since his crush has always been Jackie Lynn (it was one of my possibilities tho), I did not expect the liar to be Star, since we knew at this point her crush was Oskar Greason. And her successful plan to destroy the ToP toy by flipping things around muddled things. So at this point, this was even more surprising. As much as I want Starco to from “Starco” to “STARCO” as the next guy, I want to see the two continue their crushes on Jackie Lynn and Oskar respectively before they realize their like for one another.

Another thing I did not expect was Janna’s favorite color being pink. That was the big shocker for a while.

I loved this one. This was a great way to watch Marco finally open up his crush of Jackie Lynn to Jackie Lynn and the rest of the girls. And seeing JL herself smile at that makes me happy, because the boy she knows and likes as a friend finds her more than that, and she definitely is a great character to watch (with and without Starco around).

I'm also excited to see the other girls again too:
Loud but opinionated Pony Head
Sweet but scary Janna, and
Bright and manic, but lovable StarFan13.
They certainly helped make this episode entertaining, and gave the ToP plot more weight and purpose.

This once was entertaining and memorable. Just like this next halfer.


For the first time this season since the two-part “St. Olga’s Reform School for Wayward Princesses”, Miss Heinous (the former headmistress of the titular reformatory) returns in a new setting with henchman Gemini. They are not moving on after Starco ruined her job after they (and Pony Head) stopped the process of turning free-flowing, creative (and rambunctious) princesses into dull, quiet, obedient future leaders of the throne.
Seeing her again made me smile (and cringe). Her actions back then (and now) are devious, but entertaining. I missed her and Gemini.

At first I thought Rasticore was Toffee reborn. But sadly, he isn’t. But he still was awesome. Like Toffee, he’s crafty and menacing. Unlike Toffee, he’s bloodthirsty Starco sees him towards the end of his debut episode. And he’s also hilarious. His tries to start his Interdimensional Scissors (which is a CHAINSAW, by the way. Truly b@dass--like, Bruce Campbell b@dass) and his grumbles while looking for Starco might make him look like a messy, uncoordinated villain minion (much like Ludo’s season one henchmen), but don’t let that fool you; he’s truly scary. I think he’s one of my favorite villains so far in this series; he’s up there with Season 2 Ludo, Ms. Heinous and (especially) Toffee.

And as for Miss Heinous, it seems she hasn’t got over Starco’s saving the other princesses from lives of monotony and order at St. O’s and wants revenge. Her first attempt has failed, but it did set into motion a bigger plan for the desolation of Starco. I cannot be any more excited of seeing that.

Random Thoughts:
--Janna somehow got into Marco’s wallet...and then broke into his new one. Is Janna is, like, stalking Marco?
--Hold on. Janna had Marco’s old wallet in her hand in one frame, and then Marc himself had it in his pocket in another. Talk about an error.
--Sucks that Rasticore didn’t last. But since he has his arm Toffee, I have a feeling he’ll come back in one piece (after the time of many of them)...just like Toffee will.
--This episode reveals Star and Marco have been friends for six months. Felt more like two years.
--This episode was kinda like Supermarket Sweep but kinda like “by-the-death”.
Fave Moments:
--When Rasti appears
--When Rasti tries to start his IDS
--Janna breaking into Marco’s wallet...for no reason
--Gemini being his orderly yet dippy self
Fave Lines:
--”"Billie's Ballet Shoe Emporium. Our discounts are on pointe."” -Janna
--”Can't a guy get any privacy?” -Marco
Noooope.” -Star
-(And this is why I don’t date a lot.
Marco [sighs] “Okay. Fine. Just, uh, nothing in this section.
Chicken in a bottle “Good, 'cause I don't like you either.
Marco “I see why you're on sale.
-(the shade is strong in this one)
Star “See anything you like, Marco?
Marco “No.
Card “Nine minutes until expiration.
Star “What about gourmet hair gel?
Marco “No.
Card “8.5 minutes until expiration.
Marco “Who designed this card⁈
--”This is all my fault. I should've let you know there was an expiration date. [sobs] And I wasn't being lazy when I bought that thing, I promise. I genuinely thought you would love to pick out what you wanted.” -Star (Aww. Finally. Star genuinely admitting what she did was wrong, and she wants to try to fix everything. Again. That’s great.)

This was a great episode overall.
I enjoyed everything about it. The funny moments, the moments of drama and tension, the moments I’ll remember more than tomorrow, the development that makes me smile and tear up and the characters I can’t wait to see again later on this season.
This episode is truly one of my favorites right now. I can’t make it any clearer from that.

Thank you joining me once again. Sorry for the late posting, I was so busy doing other things for this week. Namely more of the Star vs. 2 Reviews and what’s on Toony Tuesday.

See you tomorrow when I review episode 10. Hopefully, it’s much earlier.

I’m Andrew, and

*ahem* sorry. ... and “Reach for the Star, and Keep Looking Up! your [computer] screen”.

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