Friday, July 07, 2017

Star vs. The Forces of Evil Review 2: Episode 7 -- "Goblin Dogs / By the Book"

¡Hola, astrónomos!

¿Como estas hoy?

Hope your day was good. Cause I'm here to help make it a little better (or less so, depending on how you like this review, or tolerate my opinion and jokes).

So let's empezar with...

I wasn’t here for this episode (at least at first. It did have some funny moments, but it was mostly boring. (And yes, it mostly took place at an unidentified place in a line. Get of my chiz.)

It was great to see Pony Head again (yeah, I actually missed her...and her irritating-at-times voice and obnoxiously distracting star-pupil eyes). But she’s changed. She’s more buddy-buddy with Marco, and they do share some lines that are absolutely the opposite of their dialogue in “Party with a Pony”. Also, Kelly is a lovely character (even if most of the time, she was quiet and under all that hair).

I honestly thought the Goblin Dog story would follow other sitcom/animated series in using the same trope where the item of food the main characters waited so long and fought so hard for doesn’t taste as great as they thought. (“Every Meat Burritos” from Regular Show definitely comes to mind.) Then it’s revealed that they had to fight the guy, have the guy admit to it being a secret rite of passage, and then give them the dogs they later (after a few seconds) like. I...uhh...well, I liked this switch-up (and I don’t). I’m happy we have something the characters love and finally have something that came up to the expectations. And I’m sad that I had to wait all that time to notice this.

Random Thoughts:
--The Koala character is something. She’s like Princess Azula meets Lola. Or...just Lola--depending on your view. The fact that she’s voiced by Grey DeLisle Griffin doesn’t hurt (or does it??)
--Roy is voiced by guest star Jerry Trainor (formerly of Nickelodeon’s iCarly and TUFF Puppy). I didn’t notice it was him at first because he wasn’t hammy as f**k like he was in that episode of Bunsen is a Beast. Then again, I didn’t notice it was him there either, despite the yelling. That’s because I haven’t heard that voice in years. A voice a mother could love.
--Apparently, the Goblin Dog is like a quick acid trip. No wonder people wait in lines for them.
--Oh Marco, kind, sweet soul. I’d rather take the money. $600 for hot dog merch?? And you WON”T take it back??? C’mon, bro.
--Since there was a guy on top of Kelly...I’m led to assume he’s just sitting on her for some weird (and wild) custom wherever they’re from.
--The microwave (and the ding) bring back so many memories at the local 7-Eleven. (Funnily enough, I was there yesterday, so that explains the vivid flashback.)

Fave Moments:
--The fight
--The rite of passage

Ehhh. It was alright. I enjoyed several parts of this half, but I don’t think I would remember it tomorrow. Especially against this next half.


So... Ludo has learned how to use Skelbowtor (my nickname for his new wand). But… he doesn’t know how to control it right. Interesting. And it also speaks to him telepathically. Even more interesting.

Meanwhile, Gloss, Dutch of of Terms isn’t being as interested in giving Star the help she needs as he was (last season). And since she needs to control use and conservation of her wand, it’s a problem. In my opinion, it was more Star than Glossy who was more detrimental to the problem. Instead of learning and practicing ng her spells like she’s supposed to, she instead gets bored and wants to goof off. It’s time she stops this (at least most of the time), and become more responsible. Sure, she can still have fun, but it’s time to be more aware of her surroundings and be more proactive about what’s to come should Ludo return with reinforcements and a new army. Fortunately, this all stopped now--as I’ll get to below.

I did not expect Ludo to return to Earth to fight Star this early. I honestly believed this would happen halfway through this season at the most. But now I realize, this teaser at this moment was a perfect taste of what’s to come later on. Their fight was a bit more tense and mind-numbing than pretty much all the fights in Season One (until Toffee came along of course). Sure, most of the time, there was a lot of misses between them both, but seeing things get destroyed, their shameful conjurings and the race to save Glossaryk from a tight trash-truck trap of terror was a nail-biting and painful (and entertaining) watch. Fortunately, he’s A-OK, all of his self-banishing to the donut box was all a brilliant act, and his instructions to Star to save the day was just awesome! Plus, Star’s applying the spell was also awesome (and another example of its influence by Sailor Moon)! Her apology was sweet, and her promise to take spell training much more seriously was great to hear. With this surprise bout, she needed to wake the heck up and up step her game against a more-reformed Ludo. Now that she can, it’s a big sigh of relief and a great

Now that Ludo is now aware that Star has a magic spells book, the stakes couldn't get even higher. I’m very curious (and excited) about what he’ll do to get that book. (I’m sure he knows where Star lives, and will try to sneak into her expansion pack bedroom [Gosh, I miss typing that] and get the book or at least read a few pages of it; but just when Star comes in, they fight again, this time for possession of the book) This oughta be awesome.

This one was another great one. I was at the edge of my seat (both kinds) the whole time. Seeing our main heroes and villains fight for the first time this season was bound to be amazing, and it didn’t disappoint. There’s more to come later this season, and I’m damn sure these next fights are going to blow the roof off (I’m sure both ways).

Random Thoughts:
--Maybe the telepathic speak of the wand was all in Ludo’s head because of his power trip and wanting more.
--If only Glossy wore a bigger robe. The joke of his poses in a small robe is wearing thinner than the size of the hemline.
--Aww, I want a tiny purple warnicorn as a pet. I don’t know what it eats or where it poops, but I want it!
--And Boom Nuggets. I don’t care if they’re little cookies under a bland brand name; I wish they were reeeeaaaal.

Fave Moments:
--Ludo’s too-strong wand practice
--Glossy’s retreat in the Donut Box
--Ludo’s return (and Starco’s same responses)
--Star vs. Ludo Round 1
--Marco’s Captain America-inspired trashcan dash

Fave Lines:
--“Girls, pack your things. It's time to catch a butterfly!” -Ludo
-(clever wordplay, Birdman.)
--”Oh, Star. Look. This one's got pictures. Can we do it?” -Glossaryk
-The shade is strong in this one.
--”And the squid lady dies in the end.” -Glossaryk
--His delivery during the fight.

I don’t know about you, but it’s amazing how I keep finding these favorite episodes from this season so early. I wouldn’t be surprised if the list changes as we go along.
Oh well.

Thank you fellow Stargazers for stopping by once again.
I’ll be back tomorrow (maybe Sunday) with my thoughts on Episode 8…

Hope you’ll back as well.
Enjoy your weekend and the week ahead.

This is Andrew, saying “Reach for the Star, and Keep Looking Up! your [computer] screen.

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