Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Star vs. The Forces of Evil Review 2: Episode 15 -- "Raid the Cave / Trickstar"

Wow. As if "Bon Bon the Birthday Clown" has the big bombshell(s) of the season (at least until the last few episodes, of course), then comes this episode bringing another:
 Star almost getting Glossaryck. And Glossy refusing.

In this episode, Star begins her search to find Ludo and get Glossaryck back in the fold. This halfer has a touch of more drama (and some nice comedy) after the last one.

She looks ready to fight, and wasn't going to back down. Too bad when she gets there, Ludo and his army bolted for different passures.

It seems like he doesn't want to go with Star... Maybe because he's with Ludo now...or maybe to let her hone her magical craft on her own. Remember that speech Glossy gave in "Page Turner" about how his methods are different with each protege and wants to teach them in his own way? Well, it seems to be working so far. And I'd love to believe that. Glossy has shown he truly cares about Star, and Star about him, so his idea not only makes sense, but also carries some weight here. It was really sad, and almost made me cry. But it was also an awesome showing of growth for Star, as she shows major care for her book-wielding mentor, and her magic skills were sooo up to code. She has really gone through Heck to get where she is up to this point, and I commend her for it.

Random Thoughts:
I know she loves and cares for Glossaryck, but it would've made it easier on both of them (and all of us) is she had taken it. She had great enough reach, and won't worry about Ludo having it anymore. She looked like she was carried away by grabbing Glossy, but still...
--Star using her spying spell from "Bon Bon..." got weird when she was spied on Marco, spying on Star...spying on Marco. #MINDSCREW. Since he saw this, one could wonder if he could put two and two together. That would've been a better plot twist.
--Those hipsters seem cool. I'd like to hang out with
--Glossaryck was eating pudding. Now I'm hungry.
--That scene where Star says "I don't have time to breathe" is similar to a scene from Aliens. And the scene where Starco ride their horse and scream toward the minions of Ludo's former lair definitely references Monty Python's The Holy Grail. I would've known, but if I said I never seen the movie, I might as well have my human card revoked.

Fave Moments:
--Star Packing Heavy (her bag...although her wand )
--The Horse Run
--Star trying to grab Glossy


And now after all that ugly crying, time for a breather.

Aww, man! More ugly crying.

In this episode, Marco's karate Dojo Sensei is having a birthday party, and everybody's there (even the ones not talking anymore. And for entertainment, his mom hired Preston Change-O--one of the most beloved and in-demand entertainers in the magic industry. And I didn't love it.

It wasn't too plot heavy, but was interesting. I would bet it was a workable idea on paper, and would've worked in places. But this isn't a favorite.

When Star saw Preston sucking joy from party-goers, she immediately goes after him. This was really nice, because she cared about everyone and wanted to protect them. Her heart was certainly in the right place (no, not her cheeks) at the time, even if everyone else didn't think so. And it was odd at first to see that; their disappointment in her doing what was a favor for them didn't sit well with me at first. I understand their side, and I understood hers. I just left with a weird taste in my mouth, more or less like those joy orbs in Preston's body.

At first, I thought Mr. Change-O was something of a villain from Mewni; his little plan to suck the happiness from party-goers did look like one a villain would conjure up. But as it goes on, it was revealed (or implied; I'm not 100 sure) that he wasn't. Just an entertainer. I wasn't too sad at them because I don't know who to be sad for more.

This episode made me think.
Not fan ship think, but Jeopardy! think.
When Preston Change-O does his tricks, it really seems like he's doing what every magician does--entertain and bewilder. But when he suck out those globs of light, it looks like he's doing something evil of literally taking the joy out of everyone. And this episode really made him out to be the bad guy and us side with Star. Then when Marco made that speech, I really had to stop and think about it. It seems like despite that "sucking joy" thing, he really was just doing his job--entertaining and bewildering people. And that "love is like magic, people like to pretend it's real" line, it aggravated me. Love is real and all around, and it feels like magic, but without it, we'd be in a world of chaos, destruction and ruin (sadly today, we still are). So this episode made me think more than I wanted to; and that's sad, because it really wasn't great. IF not for guest star (and the king of parody music) "Weird Al" Yankovic, this halfer would've been as big a bust as Preston's top hat.

I can see why these two episodes were spread apart. "Raid the Cave" was an important one was it was the aftermath of "Bon Bon". "Trickstar" was just a weird halfer that shouldn't have been paired in the first place. Either that or the latter was paired with another episode. I don't know, I don't care. And that is why I'm going production order for the rest of the season; because of the odd mix-ups that been happening during the airing order. So I'm here to fix that.

Thanks for checking in, guys. I'll be back tomorrow for my thoughts on Episode 16...

Hope you'll join me. I'm Andrew, saying
"Reach for the Star...and Keep Looking Up! your [DVR] screen."
"and if you ever see a magician like Preston Change-O, look down, close your mouth and run away."

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